Campeonato de Europa Femenino 2015
Ronda 10
Emparejamientos en las primeras 10 mesas
En varios foros de internet, sobre todo rusos, se organizó una caza de brujas contra la jugadora rumana Mihaela Sandu. No había indicios concretos, únicamente las inesperadas victorias en las primeras partidas de la rumana. Empezaba una avalancha de mensajes en Internet sobre las sospechas de que la rumana hubiese hecho trampas, utilizando dispositivos no permitidos.
Mihaela Sandu
A continuación algunas de las jugadoras participantes en el torneo plantearon una reclamación por escrito, firmada por 15 de ellas. Exigeron que la retransmisión de las partidas se retrasara 15 minutos para complicar la posibilidad de hacer trampas. Todavía más jugadoras firmaron una petición dirigida a la ECU formulando sus sospechas de forma más o menos explícita. Los organizadores decidieron retrasar las retransmisiones, pero no aceptaron las reclamaciones sin más que las sospechas.
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Mientras tanto, la Federación Rumana de Ajedrez ha reaccionado con una toma de postura abierta, defendiendo a su jugadora. Además, Lela Javakashivli ha subrayado en (donde se habían publicado las sospechas de manera muy explícita) que ella había perdido la partida contra Sandu únicamente por haber cometido errores y no porque Sandu hubiese hecho trampas.
Lela Javakishvili
Es de suponer que la caza de brujas no haya pasado sin dejar huella en Sandu. La histería muestra cuán sensibilizado está el mundo del ajedrez está en cuanto a las posibles trampas con dispositivos electrónicos, con los antecedentes de los torneos recientes, por ejemplo, por el georgiano Nigalidze en Dubái.
Está claro que es preciso que federaciones y organizadores aborden el tema y piensen maneras para evitar este tipo de incidentes. Por triste que sea, sólo así será posible que los ajedrecistas se puedan fiar unos de otros.
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Reacción de Mihaela Sandu (en inglés)
Mihaela Sandu
Dear organisers of the European Women's Chess Championship 2015,
I am writing in response to the attack I have been submitted to in the past few days in the European Women's Chess Championship in Georgia.
First of all I would like to know what is the official reason of the interruption of the transmission of my game in round 6 against Nino Batsiashvili? That was a critical point in the tournament for me, I was leading the tournament and that interruption started to generate suspicions about my play.
I somehow managed to pull myself together after this incident and my 6th round loss, and win another game in round 7, but after this I was submitted to a very strong attack from several women chessplayers in a written letter.
In this letter they were expressing "concerns about the situation with M. Sandu's performance" and asked to stop the live transrnissions of my garnes. The letter was signed by 15 chessplayers, the first signature on the list was of my next round opponent, N. Zhukova.
So I am writing this letter to file a complaint about their behaviour. What they did was a very dirty attack, permanently damaging my name in the chess world. Also want to mention Zhukova's paltry behaviour is standing out as she was the main benefactor of the defamation campaign, making psychological attacks right before our game.
I play chess for a long time now and I have never cheated in my life. My life revolves around chess, I am both a chess teacher and a professional chess player so my name in chess is very important to me. I have come to this cornpetition after serious chess preparation, with great hopes of a good result and confidence in myself. But some people seem to think that if you have a good result, you have to be punished.
I have tried to stay calm and play as usual after this attack, but I have learned it's impossible. There is an enormous psychological pressure and it's difficult to find the energy to play normal chess. I even thought about withdrawing from the tournament, but my family and my dear ones support me and tell me to continue in spite of everything.
I also want to inform all 15 chessplayers who have signed the above mentioned letter that what they did is a very serious crime, smearing my name, and that together with my Federation we're seeking legal counseling to make justice.
I hope this case is sent to FIDE and that they will take measures to prevent such situations in the future. I am looking forward to your official answer,
Mihaela Sandu
Las partidas para reproducir
Clasificación tras 10 rondas
Fotos e información cortesía del sitio web oficial.