Suscripción anual Premium a la Cuenta ChessBase
Suscripción durante 12 meses a los servicios Premium de la cuenta ChessBase
Del 15 al 17 de mayo de 2020
A partir de las 15:00 CEST
A partir de las 18:30 CEST
Foto: Biblioteca Nacional de Austria
Master Class Vol.8: Magnus Carlsen
Es joven pero ya es una leyenda de la historia del ajedrez, aunque aún no se vislumbre su techo. Conozca a fondo al vigente campeón mundial.
Dvorkovich comentó:
Steinitz is the first official World Chess Champion, and with him began a long tradition lasting to our day. He was also a revolutionary, who created a whole new school of chess: 'positional play' was a concept that didn't exist before him. His historic 25 game winning streak, or his 32 years undefeated in match play, speak volumes about his caliber as a player. He was also a celebrated author and publicist. All this is his legacy, a legacy to which we pay tribute today.
We are very proud to have Magnus Carlsen taking part in this event, as a worthy heir of this long lineage of champions. Probably Magnus understands better than anyone that the role of a World Champion implies certain responsibilities, and he has always been on the frontline when it comes to giving chess the role it deserves in our society. It is safe to say that Steinitz would have been proud of him.
Magnus Carlsen agregó:
Organising the FIDE Online Steinitz Memorial is a nice way to commemorate (or honor) the first official World Chess Champion and to highlight the significance of the strong tradition his match against Zukertort started for modern chess history
El torneo se disputará por sistema de liga a doble vuelta en honor del cumpleaños de Wilhelm Steinitz (17 de mayo).
Rondas 1 - 6 sección femenina: 15:00 - 18:15 CEST
Rondas 1 - 6 sección abierta: 18:30 - 21:30 CEST
Rondas 7 - 12 sección femenina: 15:00 - 18:15 CEST
Rondas 7 - 12 sección abierta: 18:30 - 21:30 CEST
Rondas 13 - 18 sección femenina: 15:00 - 18:15 CEST
Rondas 13 - 18 sección abierta: 18:30 - 21:30 CEST
Todos contra todos, a dos partidas. En total se disputarán 18 rondas. El control de tiempo es de 3 minutos, más 2 segundos de incremento por movimiento.
Sistema de desempate: mejor valoración secundaria, partida a todo o nada.
Endgames of the World Champions Vol. 2 - from Steinitz to Spassky
¡Disfrute de la refinada técnica e Capablanca, la magia de Tal, el espíritu de lucha de Laker, de las mañas defensivas de Petrosian, de la mano izquierda que tenía Smyslov a la hora de crear armonía y de las ganas de atacar de Alekhine y de Spassky!
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