Un impresionate sacrificio de piezas

por ChessBase Shop - la tienda online de ChessBase
16/09/2024 – «Abandonar la Holandesa», “El arma ganadora de Carlsen”, “Activa contra Maroczy”, etc., etc. Estos son solo algunos de los títulos de los diez artículos sobre aperturas del nuevo ChessBase Magazine nº 221, en el que nuestros autores presentan una nueva idea de repertorio en un texto general y ofrecen una visión en profundidad de las variantes en una selección de partidas comentadas. A Robert Ris se le ocurre un «impresionante sacrificio de piezas» en el Ataque Panov: En una posición muy conocida, en la que las blancas normalmente buscan un mediojuego sin dama con 13.Dxb5, Robert Ris da el provocativo jaque 13.Cc5+!? Le invitamos a echar un vistazo a su artículo con todos los análisis como muestra gratuita, ¡directamente a través de su navegador web en el popular formato de libros de ChessBase!

ChessBase Magazine 221 ChessBase Magazine 221

Biel 2024 Chess Festival with analyses by Le Quang Liem, Donchenko, Bjerre and others. Sokolov, King and Zwirs show new opening ideas in the video. 10 repertoire articles from the Dutch to King's Indian and much more.


«Impresionante sacrificio de piezas» - muestra gratuita de la revista digital ChessBase Magazine #221

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The topic of the article is the new idea 13.Qc5+! in the well-known Panov Variation 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Nf3 Bg4 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Qb3 Bxf3 9.gxf3 e6 10.Qxb7 Nxd4 11.Bb5+ Nxb5 12.Qc6+ Ke7.

Black has several options to choose from. He must decide whether he wants to try to hold on to the extra material or not. Robert Ris analyses the continuations A) 13...Kf6, B) 13...Qd6, C) 13...Ke8 and D) 13...Nd6.

Ris: “The piece sacrifice 13.Qc5+ potentially leads to incredibly sharp and fun positions to play for White and are certainly more exciting than the famous endgame line in the Panov Variation of the Caro-Kann. However, like in almost every opening nowadays, with precise play Black is doing fine objectively speaking in more than one line. Still, in a practical game I'd take White any time of the day. Speaking from my own experience and evaluating grandmaster play, it's fair to say that Black is the one who has to be very careful not making the wrong step in this minefield.”

Tip: If you subscribe to ChessBase Magazine as a download, you already have full access to CBM #221 as a ChessBase Book with your ChessBase account. Simply log in to ChessBase  Books with your ChessBase account. If you have purchased CBM #221 on DVD, unlock the ChessBase Book at the same place using the serial number from your booklet (on page 2)!

Highlights of CBM #221

From the Biel 2024 Chess Festival to a universal setup against the Dutch and Jan Markos' "Practical Tips for the Tournament Player" to the series "The Fortress" with Dorian Rogozenco:

Over 5 hours of video playing time with Daniel King, Rainer Knaak, Jan Markos, Mihail Marin, Karsten Mueller, Oliver Reeh, Robert Ris, Dorian Rogozenco, Ivan Sokolov and Nico Zwirs!

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ChessBase Magazine 221

Biel 2024 Chess Festival with analyses by Le Quang Liem, Donchenko, Bjerre and others. Sokolov, King and Zwirs show new opening ideas in the video. 10 repertoire articles from the Dutch to King's Indian and much more.


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La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.


ChessBase Magazine annual subscription plus EXTRA + 20 Euro ChessBase Voucher

La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.


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