El efecto mariposa
La isla caribeña de Guadalupe forma parte de las Antillas, una parte de las cuales son una región de ultramar de Francia. Se encuentra a 600 kilómetros de las costas de América del Sur y está ubicada al sureste de la República Dominicana. Por su aspecto, también la suelen llamar "Isla Mariposa".
Alina l'Ami, en plan mariposa, voló hasta allí, se sentó en medio de la abundante flora y rellenó las hojas de las planillas caribeñas con sus movimientos de ajedrez. Nuestra fotógrafa favorita no solamente capturó imágenes preciosas de la isla sino que además se adjudicó la victoria en el torneo de ajedrez. A continuación nos comenta y enseña sus impresiones.
![Uno de los pintorescos sitios que sirven para airarse la cabeza Uno de los pintorescos sitios que sirven para airarse la cabeza](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
Uno de los pintorescos sitios que sirven para airearse la cabeza
Desde el punto de vista físico, Guadalupe es impresionante, una isla preciosa con una naturaleza exuberante y colorida. El mar, el sol, la arena, las plantas... La verdad es que es un poco como meterse dentro de un catálogo de una agencia de viajes.
Pero no es todo únicamente naturaleza, también hay museos y edificios modernos.
![Arquitectura moderna en Guadalupe Arquitectura moderna en Guadalupe](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
Arquitectura moderna en Guadalupe
![Un colaje de momentos ajedrecísticos vividos en Guadalupe 2017 Un colaje de momentos ajedrecísticos vividos en Guadalupe 2017](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
Un montaje de momentos ajedrecísticos vividos en Guadalupe 2017
Desde luego, para ganar un torneo de ajedrez siempre hay que luchar. He aquí algunas pruebas de que también pasé miedo y me di algunos sustos ajedrecísticos a lo largo de la competición:
La partida Alina l'Ami vs. Lionel Buisson
[Event "Guadeloupe"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.07.08"] [Round "?"] [White "Alina l'Ami"] [Black "Lionel Buisson"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D61"] [WhiteElo "2304"] [BlackElo "1988"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "6k1/p4pp1/5b1p/1bp5/8/2p4P/P3RPP1/5RK1 w - - 0 29"] [PlyCount "25"] [SourceDate "2017.07.17"] [SourceVersionDate "2017.07.17"] {After a roller-coaster journey, I landed in the following position: White to play. How would you asses it? Is it better, worse or equal for White?} 29. Rfe1 {is what I played but it was not correct.} (29. Rc2 {Is the precise way, literally forcing Black to take one exchange back.} Bd3 30. Rfc1 $16 {since the c3-pawn is sort of hanging, Black must make a decision between the devil and the deep blue see: which bishop should he give away? It doesn't matter, as White should be winning anyway.}) 29... Bxe2 {played without thought, which is not surprising giving the clock times.} ({However,} 29... Bd3 $1 30. Re3 c4 31. Rc1 c2 $13 {would have given Black just as many hopes as White could have. The resulting position is rather complicated, with a very unusual material unbalance. Personally, I would take Black since White's rooks are lacking freedom of speech.}) 30. Rxe2 Bg5 31. Kf1 Bd2 32. Re8+ Kh7 33. Ke2 {and White's win becomes a matter of mathematics.} Bg5 34. Kd1 Kg6 35. Ra8 Bf6 36. Rxa7 Bd4 37. f3 f5 38. a4 Kg5 39. a5 g6 40. a6 c4 41. Rd7 1-0
Todo terminó en un susto y no me castigaron en esta ocasión. Caissa habrá dado el visto bueno.
“Chess is a conversation”
Me ha encantado una frase que dijo uno de mis oponentes. "El ajedrez es una conversación". Lo que me gustó especialmente fue que fui yo quien pudo decir "la última palabra" en dicha partida, o "conversación".
![Uno de los participantes del torneo Uno de los participantes del torneo](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
Uno de los participantes del torneo
Esta ya fue la segunda edición de este joven torneo. Se nota que los organizadores son personas jóvenes que tienen mucha energía positva, entusiasmo y pasión.
![Cynthia Dinane y su equipo Cynthia Dinane y su equipo](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
Cynthia Dinane y su equipo
La partida Alina l'Ami vs. Lionel Douglas
[Event "Guadeloupe"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.07.07"] [Round "?"] [White "Alina l'Ami"] [Black "Lionel Douglas"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A52"] [WhiteElo "2304"] [BlackElo "1767"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/5p2/2k1b3/1pp5/p3PK1p/P6P/1P4P1/3B4 b - - 0 32"] [PlyCount "22"] [SourceDate "2017.07.17"] [SourceVersionDate "2017.07.17"] {How would you continue with Black?} 32... Bb3 {was played and with seconds on the clock, I realized I was lost. Still, what should I do to get some sort of practical chances for a draw? Exchange the bishops or not?} 33. Bxb3 {is what I opted for} (33. Bf3 {doesn't look brighter either} b4 34. Ke3 c4 35. Kd2 c3+ 36. bxc3 (36. Kc1 bxa3 37. bxa3 Kd6 $19) 36... bxa3 37. Kc1 Kc5 $19) 33... axb3 34. Ke5 f6+ {my opponent was also under time pressure - making critical decisions when your clock is ticking is hard} (34... c4 {would have won on the spot, almost.} 35. Kd4 Kd6 36. a4 Kc6 $1 ({from afar I thought Black should play} 36... bxa4 37. Kxc4 Ke5 38. Kb4 {and with the seconds disappearing, when I exchanged the bishops on b3, I concluded I will sort of survive, I should have enough tempi. It wouldn't have been the case had he played those precise moves.} Kxe4 39. Kxa4 Kf4 40. Kxb3 f5 41. Kc3 Kg3 42. b4 Kxg2 43. b5 f4 44. b6 f3 45. b7 f2 46. b8=Q f1=Q {I should survive this but you never know. However, why would Black go into such a line when he had better?}) 37. e5 Kb6 38. Kc3 Ka5 39. axb5 Kxb5 40. Kd4 Kb4 $19 {White ran out of moves.}) 35. Kxf6 c4 36. e5 c3 37. e6 cxb2 38. e7 b1=Q {the most natural continuation but this allowed me to breath again} (38... Kd7 {is the precise route, forcing White to play} 39. Kf7 b1=Q 40. e8=Q+ Kd6 41. Qe7+ Kd5 42. Qd8+ Kc5 $19 {and now White is unable to deliver perpetual. I believe Black should be winning as its king can hide on the long run somewhere on the a-file.}) 39. e8=Q+ Kc5 40. Qe7+ {draw offer accepted. Had Black continued} Kd4 41. Qe5+ Kc4 42. Qc7+ Kd4 (42... Kd3 $4 43. Qh7+) 43. Qe5+ {a draw by repetition would have been anyway the final outcome.} 1/2-1/2
¿Qué es lo mejor que se puede hacer tras una partida así? ¡Pues despejar la cabeza y disfrutar de los paradisiacos paisajes de la isla!
La partida Jean Marie Molia vs. Alina l'Ami
[Event "Guadeloupe"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.07.08"] [Round "?"] [White "Jean Marie Molia"] [Black "Alina l'Ami"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E97"] [WhiteElo "1858"] [BlackElo "2304"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "5r2/pp4bk/3p2pp/4p3/1P2B3/6KP/P3R1P1/8 b - - 0 36"] [PlyCount "13"] [SourceDate "2017.07.17"] [SourceVersionDate "2017.07.17"] {A long day in the office: it was the 2nd round of the day and having two pawns up, I thought I should automatically win this. But the final result appears only when the scoresheets are signed...} 36... Rc8 {is what I played and right after pressing my clock I realized I took a terrible decision} (36... h5 $142 {preventing} 37. Rf2 h4+) 37. Re3 {returning the favour} ({The best chances that White has is to enter in an opposite color bishops endgame, where the two extra pawns will lose a bit from their powers.} 37. Rc2 {I remembered I fell into a classical trap, but couldn't recall the players' names. Here they are though: Efim Bogoljubov vs Edward Lasker, game which I will present you shortly after.} Rxc2 {not trading the rooks allows White to enter on the 7th rank} 38. Bxc2 d5 39. Bb3 d4 40. Bc2 Bf6 41. Kf3 {I don't think this is actually winning for Black as White has a firm grip on the light squares. You can give it a try and let us all know if you discovered something.}) 37... b6 38. a3 Bf6 39. h4 Kg7 40. Bd5 Rc1 41. a4 Rd1 42. Be6 Rd4 0-1
La partida Bogoljubow vs. Lasker
[Event "New York"] [Site "New York"] [Date "1924.04.05"] [Round "14"] [White "Bogoljubow, Efim"] [Black "Lasker, Edward"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C60"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/pb2r1kp/6p1/1p6/4PB2/P2P4/6PP/2R3K1 w - - 0 36"] [PlyCount "43"] [EventDate "1924.03.16"] [EventType "tourn"] [EventRounds "22"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceTitle "HCL"] [Source "ChessBase"] [SourceDate "1999.07.01"] [SourceVersion "2"] [SourceVersionDate "1999.07.01"] [SourceQuality "1"] 36. Rc7 {believing, just like me in my own game, that the two extra pawns in the middle of the board will unobstructedly morph into a queen.} (36. Kf2 $142 {keeping the rooks on the board and the winning advantage.}) 36... Kf7 { just like my opponent, returning the favour} ({The safety belt would have been } 36... Rxc7 37. Bxc7 b4 $1 {sacrificing one pawn for more control over the light squares} 38. axb4 Ba6 39. d4 Bd3 40. e5 Bc4 41. Kf2 Kf7 {Once again, White is two pawns up but I doubt it is winning. Feel free to contradict me!}) 37. Rxe7+ Kxe7 38. Bd2 {just in time to prevent that b4 break} Ke6 39. Kf2 Kd6 40. Ke3 Kc5 41. Ba5 Bc8 42. Bd8 Bd7 43. Ba5 g5 44. Bc3 h5 45. Bd4+ Kd6 46. Bxa7 h4 47. Bd4 Ke6 48. Bc3 Kf7 49. d4 Kg6 50. d5 Bc8 51. Ba5 Bd7 52. Bd8 h3 53. gxh3 Bxh3 54. Kd4 Bd7 55. e5 Kf5 56. e6 Be8 57. Bxg5 1-0
![Guadalupe Guadalupe](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
La partida Alina l'Ami – Romain Cristophe Hayot
[Event "Guadeloupe"] [Site "?"] [Date "2017.07.09"] [Round "?"] [White "Alina l'Ami"] [Black "Romain Cristophe Hayot"] [Result "*"] [ECO "D90"] [WhiteElo "2304"] [BlackElo "1783"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r1bqkb1r/pp1n1p1p/4pnp1/3p2B1/Q2P4/2N2N2/PP2PPPP/R3KB1R w KQkq - 0 8"] [PlyCount "12"] [SourceDate "2017.07.17"] [SourceVersionDate "2017.07.17"] {An Alina classic: How would you continue with White?} 8. Bxf6 {Is what I chose but it was clearly not the best} ({The first move that entered my head was} 8. e4 $1 {It is perfectly within the spirit of the position so why didn't I play it? Laziness. I thought I don't need to calculate this if I have the slow and safe alternative of Bxf6...} dxe4 9. Nxe4 Be7 10. Nxf6+ Bxf6 11. Bh6 b6 12. Be2 Bb7 13. O-O $16 {Black will never be allowed to castle, not in good circumstances anyway.}) (8. Nb5 {was another good option} Be7 (8... a6 { is only a storm in a glass of water, the knight is taboo} 9. Rc1 $18) 9. Bh6 Ng4 10. Bf4 O-O 11. Bc7 Qe8 12. Nd6 Bxd6 13. Bxd6 Ndf6 14. Qa3 {winning an exchange}) 8... Qxf6 9. Nb5 Nb6 {and I was suddenly faced with a difficult decision: go back or calculate my way through?} 10. Qb3 $6 {This was the last round in the tournament, so maybe I can find a good excuse with lack of energy?!} (10. Nd6+ {would have still brought White an edge} Ke7 11. Qb4 { looks good but after} Kd8 $1 12. e3 {is what I missed} ({I calculated only the most aggressive continuation, which doesn't work} 12. Ne5 Bxd6 13. Qxd6+ Bd7 14. e3 Qe7 $13) 12... Bxd6 13. Qxd6+ Bd7 14. Bd3 Qe7 15. Qf4 {and White still has the upper hand.}) 10... Qd8 11. Rc1 Nc4 12. e3 a6 13. Nc3 b5 {Sad but true. The only one that can be better is Black. Fortunately, I managed to emerge victorious...} *
La mariposa caribeña
La mariposa caribeña de Guadalupe es como una mujer atractiva: preciosa de ver y difícil de capturar. La parte menos turística y relativamente rural y natural me pareció un sitio tremendamente bonito. Eso sí, desplazarse de un sitio al otro en el mapa parece fácil, pero si lo quieres hacer de verdad, notarás que te pasas todo el día de viaje.
Me quedé un poco "geográficamente" confundida: la parte occidental, la Basse-Terre ("tierra baja") tiene montañas que alcanzan unos 1.500 metros de altura y la más alta es un volcán inactivo. La parte oriental de la isla, sin embargo, es prácticamente llana.
![La mariposa roja y amarilla Alina L´Ami en Guadalupe La mariposa roja y amarilla Alina L´Ami en Guadalupe](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
La mariposa roja y amarilla Alina l'Ami en Guadalupe
![La playa al atardecer La playa al atardecer](/portals/all/_for_legal_reasons.jpg)
La playa al atardecer
Hablando en plan mariposa: ¡ojalá haya más torneos en Guadalupe para que me pueda volver a someter al proceso lepidóptero y tener otra metamorphosis de este tipo.
Información y la clasificación final en la página Facebook y en el Twitter del torneo:
¡Hay más fotografías en la galería de imágenes en la parte superor de la noticia! ¡No se las pierda!
Fotos e información: Alina l'Ami
Traducción/adaptación: Nadja Wittmann (ChessBase)
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