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La nueva versión 18 de ChessBase ofrece posibilidades completamente nuevas para el entrenamiento y el análisis de partidas: análisis del estilo de juego, búsqueda de temas estratégicos, acceso a 6.000 millones de partidas de Lichess, preparación del oponente tras una exploración de sus partidas en Lichess, descarga de partidas de Chess.com con API incorporada, motor de análisis en la nube y mucho más.
Para seguir las partidas en directo
[Event "49th Biel Juniors Challenge"] [Site "Biel"] [Date "2016.08.01"] [Round "10"] [White "Georgiadis, Nico"] [Black "Bok, Benjamin"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A62"] [WhiteElo "2470"] [BlackElo "2613"] [PlyCount "92"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "SUI"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. c4 {0} e6 {0} 3. g3 {1} c5 {0} 4. d5 {29} exd5 {1} 5. cxd5 {6} d6 {4} 6. Nc3 {10} g6 {6} 7. Bg2 {6} Bg7 {5} 8. Nf3 {7} O-O {4} 9. O-O {9} Re8 {3} 10. Bf4 {10} Bf5 {4} 11. Nh4 {9} Bc8 {1} 12. Nf3 {11} Bf5 {4} 13. Nh4 { 12} Bc8 {2} 14. Qd2 {112} Qb6 {32} ({Via a different move order, the two players have transposed into Moiseenko-Cordova played just a few months ago. In it, Cordova played instead} 14... Na6 15. h3 Bd7 16. a4 c4 17. Bh6 Bh8 18. Qf4 Nc5 19. Qxc4 Rc8 20. a5 Nce4 21. Qb4 Rxc3 22. bxc3 Nxd5 23. Qxb7 Ndxc3 24. Kh2 g5 25. Nf3 Bb5 26. Qxa7 Bxe2 27. Rfe1 Qf6 28. Bxg5 Nxg5 29. Nxg5 Qxg5 30. a6 Nb5 31. Rxe2 Nxa7 32. Rxe8+ Kg7 33. Rb1 Qc5 34. Rbb8 Qxf2 35. Rxh8 Nc6 36. Rhg8+ Kh6 37. Rb1 Ne5 38. Rf1 Qb6 39. Rf6+ Ng6 40. Rxd6 Qf2 41. Rf6 Qa2 42. Rf8 {1-0 (40) Moiseenko,A (2668)-Cordova,E (2610) Moscow 2016}) 15. Rab1 {1033} Nbd7 {898} 16. Nf3 {242} Ne4 {451} 17. Qc2 {468} Ndf6 {196} 18. Nd2 {261} Nxd2 {76} 19. Bxd2 {82} Bd7 {363} 20. h3 {490} ({Komodo 10 suggests instead a more frank battle with f3-e4-g4 for White, while Black counters with} 20. f3 Qa6 { freeing the path for ...b5 followed by ...Qb6 and ...a6}) 20... Qc7 {317} 21. e4 {483} b5 {72} 22. Rfe1 {356} Rac8 {550} 23. Nd1 {387} c4 {88} 24. Ne3 {297} Qb6 {441} 25. Rbd1 {958} Rc7 {914} 26. a3 {446} a5 {372} (26... Bc8 {was an interesting alternative, with the idea of freeing the d7 square so the knight can maneuver to c5 with Nd7-c5.}) 27. Bc3 {416} b4 {323} 28. Bd4 {51} Qb5 {21} 29. axb4 {79} axb4 {1} 30. b3 {190} c3 {106} 31. Bf1 {128} Qb8 {10} 32. Nc4 {14 } Rcc8 {115 [#]} 33. e5 $2 {139 A serious tactical oversight that will soon compromise White's position.} (33. Ra1 {was straightforward and best.}) 33... Bf5 {77} 34. Bd3 {69} Rxc4 $1 {473} 35. bxc4 {5} (35. Bxf5 $4 Rxd4 36. Rxd4 dxe5 37. Rc4 gxf5 38. Qxf5 Nxd5 $19) 35... dxe5 {5} 36. Be3 {198} e4 {275} ({ Also worth considering was} 36... Bxh3 {gaining a pawn, and weaking the light squares around the king. There is really no obvious downside to this since the black e-pawn will always be free to advance later, and the passed queenside pawns were not in any danger.}) 37. Bf1 {3} b3 {4} 38. Qxc3 {29} Nxd5 {1} 39. Qa5 {82} Nxe3 {378} 40. Rxe3 {7} Bh6 {276} 41. Re2 {1476} (41. f4 {was forced here, trying to limit the scope of the bishops.} b2 (41... exf3 $4 {loses to} 42. Rxe8+ Qxe8 43. Rd8) 42. Qa4 {preventing b1:Q due to Rxb1 Qxb1 Qxe8+} Re6 43. Rb1 {but things would still be very grim for White.}) 41... e3 {574} 42. Qe1 {1262} b2 {359} 43. Rb1 {11} exf2+ {31} 44. Kxf2 {10} Qa7+ {19} 45. Kg2 {15 } Rxe2+ {5} 46. Bxe2 {6} Qa2 {69} 0-1
Georgiadis luchó duramente pero fue superado por...
Benjamin Bok, que dominó completamente
Dado que las partidas clásicas puntuaban doble, el marcador final fue 10.5 - 5.5 a favor de Bok.
[Event "49th Biel Juniors Challenge"] [Site "Biel"] [Date "2016.08.01"] [Round "10"] [White "Studer, Noel"] [Black "Rambaldi, Francesco"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A62"] [WhiteElo "2462"] [BlackElo "2544"] [PlyCount "119"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "SUI"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. c4 {0} e6 {0} 3. g3 {0} c5 {23} 4. d5 {0} exd5 {6} 5. cxd5 {0} d6 {18} 6. Nc3 {0} g6 {7} 7. Bg2 {0} Bg7 {7} 8. Nf3 {0} O-O {11} 9. O-O {2} Re8 {13} 10. Bf4 {7} Bf5 {44} 11. Nh4 {5} Bc8 {10} 12. Nf3 {12} Bf5 {9} 13. Nh4 {7} Bc8 {5} 14. Qd2 {7} a6 {135} 15. a4 {16} Qe7 {7} 16. Rfe1 {422} Nbd7 {80} 17. Nf3 {13} Rb8 {287} 18. Rab1 {32} Ng4 {83} 19. Qc2 {1071} Nde5 {663} 20. Nxe5 {1847} Nxe5 {53} 21. b4 {146} cxb4 {421} 22. Rxb4 {171} Bf5 {274} 23. Ne4 {1267} a5 {1232} 24. Rb5 {7} Ng4 {455} 25. Bxd6 {60} Qxd6 {222} 26. Nxd6 {5} Bxc2 {2} 27. Nxe8 {4} Rxe8 {3} 28. Rxb7 {211} Bxa4 {92} 29. h3 {45} Ne5 {73} 30. Rc1 {19} Nd7 {598} 31. e3 {445} Bf8 {105} 32. Ra1 {8} Nc5 {688} 33. Ra7 {28 } Bg7 $2 {43 Until now the tense game had been more or less balanced. There were undoubtedly minor fluctuations here and there but nothing that could be deemed a true swing in the balance of power. Until now that is.} (33... Bd6 { among others was better.} 34. Rxa5 Bd7 $11) 34. Rc1 {66} Bf8 {5} 35. Ra1 $4 { 91 Missing a golden opportunity to level the classical match.} (35. Rxc5 $1 { was simple.} Bxc5 36. Rxa5 Bxe3 37. fxe3 Bc2 {and White is up a pawn with a powerful passer as well.}) 35... Bg7 {37} 36. Rc1 {624} Bf8 {2} 37. Rc3 $2 { 7 Both players are suffering from mutual blindness, rpeating the position that would lead to a decisive advantage for White. However, both seem oblivious to it.} Nd7 {338} 38. Rcc7 {138} Bc5 {59} 39. Rxa5 {352} Bb6 {48} 40. Rxa4 {4} Bxc7 {6} 41. Ra7 {3001} Rc8 {3146} 42. d6 {36} Bxd6 {8} 43. Rxd7 {4} Rc1+ {187} 44. Kh2 {0} Rd1 {0 Things are much less clear now since although White is up a pawn, the opposite-colored bishops are very drawish.} 45. Bc6 {0} Kf8 {0} 46. Kg2 {0} Rd2 {0} 47. e4 {0} Bb4 {0} 48. Bd5 {0} Be7 {0} 49. h4 {0} h6 {0} 50. Kf3 {0} g5 {0} 51. h5 {0} Rc2 {0} 52. Rb7 {0} Rd2 {0} 53. Rc7 {0} Rb2 {0} 54. Ke3 {0} g4 {0} 55. e5 {0} Bg5+ {0} 56. f4 {0} gxf3+ {0} 57. Kxf3 {0} Be7 {0} 58. Rc4 {0} Rb3+ {0} 59. Kf4 {0} Rb4 {0} 60. Ke4 1/2-1/2
Aunque Francesco Rambaldi salió victorioso...
Noel Studer tuvo más posibilidades que las justas.
Con dos puntos por victoria y un punto por las tablas en las partidas clásicas, el marcador final quedó en 9.0 - 7.0
Daniel King realiza un rápido resumen de los duelos juveniles con comentarios postpartida de los protagonistas
Fotografías y vídeos: Pascal Simon y Daniel King (ChessBase)
Fecha | Hora | Actividad |
23.07.2016 | 16:00 | Inauguración |
24.07.2016 | 13:30 | Rápidas |
25.07.2016 | 14:00 | Partida lenta 1 |
26.07.2016 | 14:00 | Partida lenta 2 |
27.07.2016 | Clases magistrales | |
28.07.2016 | 14:00 | Partida lenta 3 |
29.07.2016 | 14:00 | Partida lenta 4 |
30.07.2016 | 14:00 | Relámpago |
Las partidas lentas puntúan el doble que las rápidas para la clasificación global
Será un suizo a 9 rondas. El control de tiempo es de 90 minutos para los primeros 40 movimientos, más 30 minutos para el resto de la partida, con 30 segundos por movimiento de suplemento a partir del primer movimiento.
1.200, 1.000, 800, 600, 500, 2 x 400, 3 x 300, 5 x 200, 5 x 100 francos suizos. La mejor jugadora y los mejores veteranos y juveniles recibirán 200 y 100 francos suizos. Los mejores jugadores juveniles (Elo superior a 2000) 150 y 50 francos suizos. Los mejores jugadores con Elo inferior a 1800 y 1700 puntos recibirán 400, 300, 200 y 2 x 100 francos. La bolsa global de premios asciende a 10.600 francos suizos.
Habrá torneos de ajedrez rápido y relámpago, juveniles, ajedrez 960, simultáneas, un torneo de tenis-ajedrez, un torneo para médicos y un taller ChessBase.
Pascal Simon y Daniel King estarán en Biel para ChessBase y cubrirán el acontecimiento con entrevistas, vídeos etc. Comentarán las partidas a partir de las 17:00 CEST y tras ellas entrevistarán a Maxime Vachier-Lagrave y Peter Svidler.
Pascal Simon
El programa del festival en formato PDF para descargar