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La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.
What significance do traps have in the game of grandmasters? And what tips does the coach and GM from Slovakia have for the normal tournament player? Click on one of the two graphics below to load the sample from CBM #217 as a ChessBase Book right away!
In his article, Markos warns against focussing too much on setting up traps. "Chess is not poker!" is his warning. Because if you only aim to trick your opponent, your game will not improve in the long term. He then uses various examples from his own practice to show what is important when setting traps successfully. The first basic rule is: A trap should be an integral part of your own plan or repertoire and therefore only a kind of “bonus”. Take a look and learn the four most important rules of trapping!
In addition to his video, Jan Markos offers you a small collection of exercises that you can use to test your newly acquired knowledge!
Hint: If you subscribe to ChessBase Magazine as a download, you already have full access to CBM #217 as a ChessBase Book with your ChessBase account. Simply log in to ChessBase Books with your ChessBase account. If you have purchased CBM #217 on DVD, unlock the ChessBase Book at the same place using the serial number from your booklet!
The start page of ChessBase Magazine #217 as a ChessBase Book. By means of the menu on the right you can access all articles, analyses, videos etc. of the issue. Total playing time of the videos: Over 5 hours!
CBM trial subscription with 33% savings advantage and thank you bonus!*
Pruebe ahora ChessBase Magazine ¡Pida el paquete de prueba de ChessBase Magazine! Lea ChessBase Magazine durante 6 meses (= 3 números) por el precio especial de sólo 44,90 € (en lugar de 65,70 € comprándolos individualmente). Como agradecimiento, además recibirá 3 meses de membresía ChessBase Premium.
Seis meses de suscripción. Se renovará automáticamente, si no se recibe notificación de cancelación al menos un mes antes de la renovación.
*¡La bonificación únicamente es válida para nuevos suscriptores, es decir, no ha habido suscripción a CBM durante 12 meses!
ChessBase Magazine one year subscription + 20 Euro ChessBase Voucher
La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.
ChessBase Magazine annual subscription plus EXTRA + 20 Euro ChessBase Voucher
La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.
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