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La revista digigal de ajedrez ChessBase Magazine ofrece material de entrenamiento de primera clase para los jugadores de club y profesionales.
La 'CBM' es la revista de ajedrez más completa y sofisticada de la historia. Jugadores de talla mundial analizan sus partidas más brillantes y explican las ideas que hay detrás de las jugadas.
Especialistas en aperturas presentan las últimas tendencias en teoría de aperturas e ideas interesantes para su repertorio. Los ajedrecist as especialmente versados en la táctica, la estrategia y los finales de partidas, comparten con nosotros los trucos y técnicas que se necesitan para triunfar en los torneos.
ChessBase Magazine #217, en formato eBook:
ChessBase Magazine #217 ofrece nuevas ideas para todos los repertorios con sus 11 artículos sobre aperturas, ¡desde la Inglesa hasta la Catalana! Esta semana le ofrecemos la recomendación del GM Krisztian Szabo 7.Cd5 contra la Variante Siciliana Sveshnikov como muestra de lectura gratuita.
Haga clic haga clic aquí o en la siguiente imagen para descargar el artículo cumpleto sobre la apertura Sveshnikov como ejemplo gratuito de muestra:

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Tras la continuación 7...Cxd5 8.exd5, Krisztian Szabo analiza las variantes:
A) 8...Ce7 y
B) 8...Cb8.

Podrá revisar todos los análisis de Krisztian Szabo que forman parte de este artículo, con el reproductor ChessBase.
El ChessBase Magazine #217 como número suelto:

ChessBase Magazine 217
FIDE Grand Swiss 2023: 36 analyses by Vidit, Vaishali, Abdusattorov, Deac, Erigaisi, Giri, L'Ami, Pragg et al. Opening videos by Kasimdzhanov, Engel and Marin. 11 opening articles with new repertoire ideas from Englisch to Catalan and much more.
Suscripción al ChessBase Magazine y al ChessBase Magazine EXTRA:
Los puntos culminantes del ChessBase Magazine #217 (enero de 2024)
From Vidit’s analyses from the FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 to Oliver Reeh‘s tactics article “Invasion on the back rank” to Part 7 of Karsten Muellers video series “Fundamental Endgame Knowledge”:

Over 5 hours of video playing time with Luis Engel, Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Rainer Knaak, Jan Markos, Mihail Marin, Karsten Mueller, Oliver Reeh, Robert Ris and Dorian Rogozenco!
Top games and master analyses

FIDE Grand Swiss 2023: Vidit Gujrathi's winning game against Alexandr Predke in the final round secured him the tournament victory and thus - like runner-up Hikaru Nakamura - qualification for the 2024 Candidates Tournament. In this issue you will find analyses by Vidit as well as Abdusattorov, Bartel, Deac, Erigaisi, Giri, Grandelius, Krasenkov, Kuzubov, L'Ami, Matlakov, Melkumyan, Mendonca, A. Muzychuk, M. Muzychuk, Nguyen, Ponomariov, Praggnanandhaa, Sargissian, Saric, Ter-Sahakyan and Vaishali, the winner of the women's Grand Swiss 2023.
Strategy special: Richard Rapport

The Hungarian number one is considered one of the most creative players of our time. Mihail Marin has analysed Richard Rapport's style in detail. In three Fritztrainer videos and numerous analyses, he characterises him as a mixture of originality and classicism.
All in One

Everything you need to know about a variation in one extensively annotated game: Balàzs Csonka recommends a line for Black against the g3-King's Indian: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.Nf3 d6 6.0-0 c6 7.Nc3 and now 7... Bf5!?
Opening videos

How do you inject some vigour into the Scotch Four Knights Game? Rustam Kasimdzhanov presents the at first glance surprising 5...Nxe4 – a move that is obviously becoming more and more popular especially on club level! Luis Engel conclu¬des his analysis of the Najdorf Variation with 6.Rg1 and also gives his "okay" for 6...b5 and 6...h5. And Mihail Marin shows that Magnus Carlsen went too far with the shocker 10...Rg8?! in the Ruy Lopez Norwegian Defence at the Qatar Masters against GM Abhimanyu Sameer Puranik.
Rustam Kasimdzhanov: Scotch Four Knights
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Nxe4
Luis Engel: Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Rg1 – Part 2
1.e4 c5 2.Sf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Sxd4 Sf6 5.Sc3 a6 6.Rg1
Mihail Marin: Ruy Lopez - Norwegian Defence
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 b5 5.Bb3 Na5
New ideas for your repertoire

From the English Opening to the Catalan – ChessBase Magazine #217 offers 11 opening articles with new ideas for every repertoire!
Robert Ris: English Four Knights with 4.d4
Petra Papp: Modern Benoni 6.e4 g6 7.f4 (Part II)
Patrick Zelbel: Caro-Kann Two Knights 3...Bg4 4.d4
Romain Edouard: Closed Sicilian with 6.Be3 e5
Krisztian Szabo: Sicilian Sveshnikov with 7.Nd5
Evgeny Postny: Sicilian Four Knights with 8...Bb7
Sergey Grigorians: French Steinitz Variation 8.Ne2
Lars Schandorff: Scotch Gambit 4...Nf6 5.e5 Ne4
Alexey Kuzmin: Berlin Defence with 4.d3 Ne7!?
Spyridon Kapnisis: Tarrasch Defence 4...c5 5.cxd5 exd5 6.Bg5 Be6
Yago Santiago: Catalan with 4...Nc6!? 5.Bg2 Bd6!?
Topical opening traps

"A little fun among top players", "Trap and counter-trap" etc. Rainer Knaak presents ten opening traps – from the Owen Defence to the French and King's Indian. Incl. three Fritztrainer videos.
Move by Move

What could be more challenging for an interactive training session than finding out Magnus Carlsen's moves? Robert Ris has chosen a game by the former world champion against the young Bosnian IM Bojan Maksimovic - "a very instructive technical game!" Show your class and gain a decisive advantage move by move!
Modern Classics

The 16th game of the 1985 World Champion¬ship match between Karpov and Kasparov is one of the most important games of the 20th century. With his victory with Black, Kasparov impressively paved his way to winning the title. Dorian Rogozenco explains the many, often prophylactic motives in the game of the 13th world champion.
Practical Tips for the Tournament Player : Traps

What role do traps play in chess? How important are they in the play of grandmasters? And what is important when setting traps successfully? Jan Markos works out four rules that you should follow in your own games. Video plus a small collection of exercises.
"Invasion on the back rank"

36 games peppered with lots of training que¬stions await you in Oliver Reeh's tactics article! You can solve his favourite combinations – recorded in interactive video format – move by move together with the IM from Hamburg!
Fundamental Endgame Knowledge – Part 7: "Pawn endings with pawns on both wings"

In the introductory video, end¬game expert Dr Karsten Mueller presents the most important techniques. Then it's your turn in two inter¬active training videos! Mueller also presents a selection of Richard Rapport's most beautiful endgames (video introduction + analyses).
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