11/03/2015 – Las cosas estaban difíciles para India al llegar a la penúltima ronda con dos encuentros de desventaja frente a China. Sethuraman siguió con su gran rendimiento, derrotando a Ding Liren, pero el resto del equipo no pudo mantener el nivel. Un desastroso rendimiento de Sasikirian permitió a China igualar la ronda 7. Y haciendo leña del árbol caído, también ganó cómodamente en la última...
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Ronda 7
Video por Vijay Kumar
India igualó el séptimo encuentro contra China, manteniendo vivas las opciones para la última ronda, aunque fuese en un plano casi teórico, pues los cuatro indios tenían que ganar sus partidas.
Sethuraman continuó con su fina formam derrotando al primer tablero chino en 23 movimientos. Poco duró la alegría porque Sasikiran de nuevo desaprovechó su ventaja contra Wei Yi. Se equivocó en la secuencia de cambios en la columna d y luego fue de mal en pero hasta rendirse en la jugada 40.
Sasikirian no estuvo a la altura de lo que de él se esperaba en el equipo indio
[Event "IND-CHN Summit 2015"] [Site "Hyderabad IND"] [Date "2015.03.09"] [Round "7.1"] [White "Sasikiran, Krishnan"] [Black "Wei, Yi"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D70"] [WhiteElo "2682"] [BlackElo "2706"] [Annotator "Ramirez Alvarez,Alejandro"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "3r4/pp4k1/1n1q1np1/1B1Prb1p/3Q1N2/2N1pP2/PP4P1/K2R3R w - - 0 23"] [PlyCount "36"] [EventDate "2015.03.02"] 23. Bd3 Nbxd5 24. Nfxd5 $2 {Sasikirian underestimates his opponent's chances.} (24. Bxf5 $1 gxf5 25. Ncxd5 e2 26. Rde1 Nxd5 27. Ne6+ $3 {Would have been a brilliant way to gain an advantage.} (27. Rxe2 {the far more normal move, also was good for a plus.}) 27... Qxe6 28. Rxe2 {and the rook on e5 will fall.}) 24... Bxd3 25. Rxd3 Nxd5 26. f4 Nxc3 27. Qxd6 Rxd6 28. Rxd6 Rd5 $1 {A beautiful sequence. Sasikirian has no choice but to take the rook, and although he is up the exchange, the powerful knight on d5, the passed pawn on e3 and the quickness with which the king can approach the center is enough to render his position hopeless.} 29. Rxd5 Nxd5 30. g3 Kf6 31. Rd1 Ke6 32. Kb1 h4 33. gxh4 e2 34. Re1 Nxf4 35. Kc2 Kf5 36. Kd2 Ke4 37. b4 Kf3 38. a4 Kf2 39. b5 b6 40. Rh1 Ng2 0-1
Adhiban Baskaran no estuvo en forma en este torneo
Dos jugadores indios tuvieron un rendimiento fenomenal. Uno de ellos fue Lalith Babu
[Event "IND-CHN Summit 2015"] [Site "Hyderabad IND"] [Date "2015.03.09"] [Round "7.4"] [White "Ding, Liren"] [Black "Sethuraman, S.P."] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E60"] [WhiteElo "2755"] [BlackElo "2623"] [Annotator "Ramirez Alvarez,Alejandro"] [PlyCount "46"] [EventDate "2015.03.02"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c6 4. Bg2 d5 {The c6 line agains the fianchetto Grunfeld, is, as we have seen, a very solid way of dealing with White's attempts for and advantage. However, just because it is normally a solid line does not mean it always stays that way.} 5. e3 $5 {Not completely new, and maybe a trend? Kramnik used it recently and now Ding Liren is giving it a try.} dxc4 6. Ne2 Nbd7 (6... Bg7 7. O-O Nbd7 (7... O-O 8. Na3 Nbd7 9. Nxc4 { eventually led to a draw in Kramnik-Gelfand, but the Russian already held a small edge here with his powerfully placed knight on c4 and open bishop on g2.} ) 8. Na3 Nb6 9. Qc2 {was Potkin-Timman from Wijk aan Zee 2015.}) 7. O-O Bg7 8. Qc2 {a new attempt, instead of recovering the pawn as quickly as possible Ding Liren tries to establish a strong pawn center.} Nb6 9. e4 e5 $5 {Breaking the position and creating a complex structure.} 10. dxe5 Ng4 (10... Qd3 $2 11. exf6 $3 {Would have led to a beautiful white victory.} Qxc2 12. fxg7 Rg8 13. Nbc3 $18 {and now Black has real problems: the threat is Nd4 and Rd1, trapping the queen, while there doesn't seem any good way of helping it. Also a threat is Rd1-Rd2!}) 11. Rd1 Qe7 12. f4 {Risky but the only way to fight for an advantage.} (12. Nbc3 Nxe5 {simply leaves Black up a pawn.}) 12... f6 (12... Qc5+ 13. Nd4 {is not that dangerous yet.}) 13. exf6 Bxf6 14. e5 Bf5 15. Qc3 ( 15. exf6 Qc5+ {is a big problem; White cannot take on f6 yet.}) 15... Qc5+ 16. Nd4 Be7 {Only sixteen moves of chess, but already a position that is incredibly complicated. White has the structural advantage with a powerful passed pawn on e5, but Black's pieces are fully mobilized, more than White can say for his own, and the monarch on g1 feels uncomfortable with that pin down g1-a7. White has to be very precise to not be worse, but if he survives he would be strategically much better.} 17. Na3 $2 (17. b3 $1 {Forced and sufficient. The move is dual purpose: The first it adds pressure on to c4, which is very important, second it liberates both a3 and b2 for the dark-squared bishop.} cxb3 $1 (17... O-O-O 18. Ba3 $1 Rxd4 19. Qxd4 $1 Qxd4+ 20. Rxd4 {an Black does not have enough for his lost material.}) 18. axb3 $1 O-O-O 19. Ba3 Qxc3 20. Nxc3 Bxa3 21. Rxa3 {White is structurally better, but Black has the following resource:} Ne3 22. Rd2 Nc2 $1 23. Rxc2 Rxd4 24. Re2 a6 $11 {and Black's activity and blockade on the lightsquares should give him acceptable chances against White's pawn structure.}) 17... O-O-O {White is now not on time to defend his diagonal.} 18. h3 Bd3 {Of course! Blac kdoesn't bother moving back the knight.} 19. hxg4 Na4 {This is the real key: White cannot lose control of d4, but where does his queen go?} 20. Qe1 (20. Rxd3 Nxc3 21. Rxc3 Qxd4+ 22. Be3 Qd7 {is clearly insufficient.}) 20... Qxd4+ 21. Be3 (21. Kh2 Bxa3 {is a horrible pin.}) 21... Qxb2 {alas, and unexpectedly, it is the knight on a3 that costs White the game. It is trapped, and with its loss White has no chance of surviving.} 22. Qa5 Qxa3 23. Bxc6 {some clever last minute counterplay, but Black has many ways of countering it.} Bc5 (23... bxc6 24. Qa6+ Kd7 {also worked, actually.}) 0-1
Ronda 8
Video por Vijay Kumar
China no dio opciones y volvió a la senda de la victoria en la última ronda, asegurando la victoria en el duelo. Consiguieron 18 puntos por tablero y 11 puntos de encuentro, por 14 y 5 de India.
Lalith Babu superó al correoso Zhou conduciendo las blancas en una defensa India de Dama en 32 movimientos.
Como en la jornada anterior, la primera victoria tuvo un corto recorrido en las esperanzas de los indios, pues en esta ocasión Adhiban perdió contra Chen Wang en una Siciliana Cerrada.
Wei Yi y Sasikiran fueron los terceros en terminar. Wei forzó a Sasikiran a optar por las tablas por repetición en 44 jugadas. Sasikiran terminó sin ganar una sola partida, cosechando 4 tablas y 4 derrotas.
Wei Yi no impresionó, pero se mantuvo en su Elo de 2700
Con el encuentro igualado a 1.5, solo quedaba disputar el honor. Sethu arriesgó contra Ding tratando de evitar las tablas con un poco consistente sacrificio de peón y lo que podían haber sido otras tablas, terminó como victoria para los chinos. Sethuraman estuvo impresionante con su 5/8 y Ding cosechó el mismo resultado para China.
Zhou Jianchao fue el peor de los chinos con un marcador... ¡del 50 %!
Los ganadores con su premio
Un gran esfuerzo de ambos equipos
[Event "IND-CHN Summit 2015"] [Site "Hyderabad IND"] [Date "2015.03.10"] [Round "8.3"] [White "Lalith, Babu M.R"] [Black "Zhou, Jianchao"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E16"] [WhiteElo "2556"] [BlackElo "2578"] [Annotator "Ramirez Alvarez,Alejandro"] [PlyCount "63"] [EventDate "2015.03.02"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 c5 {A novelty idea. It scores relatively well, but if White follows some of the most principled routes it might be dubious for Black.} 7. Bxb4 cxb4 8. a3 {breaking with a3 soon is important: many people like to simply leave the pawn be on b4, and that always ends up back firing. The correct way of dealing with these kinds of set ups is, essentially, trading your a-pawn for the c-pawn. Meanwhile Black should fight for the dark squares.} bxa3 9. Nxa3 O-O 10. O-O a5 11. Nb5 Na6 12. Qd2 Qe7 (12... d5 $1 {Is definitely more difficult for White to deal with. The game continuation allows Lalith to binding his opponent.}) 13. Qf4 Rab8 14. Qd6 {of course. Now Black's lack of space is a real issue.} Qd8 15. Rfc1 Nb4 (15... Ne8 16. Qf4 {is playable but that knight doesn't want to be on e8.}) 16. Ne5 $1 Bxg2 17. Kxg2 Rb7 {The White knights on e5 and b5 are beautiful. Balck does have an annoying threat, though, to play Ne8 and trap the White queen!} 18. Nd3 $1 Ne8 19. Qf4 Nxd3 20. exd3 {Excellent understanding. Lalith knows that the only way to break out of the bind is to eventually play d5, so he sets up his structure to counter that!} d5 21. Ra3 dxc4 22. dxc4 Rd7 23. c5 $1 {this passed pawn sill cause serious problems.} Nc7 24. c6 e5 $2 (24... Rd5 $1 {Was a difficult to find computer move. It was probably Black's best chance to survive, though after} 25. Nxc7 Rf5 26. Qe3 Qxc7 27. Qc3 {It's impossible to question White's edge.}) 25. dxe5 Rd5 26. Nxc7 Qxc7 27. Re3 {White's up a pawn and Lalith brings it home comfortably.} Re8 28. Qe4 Rb5 29. Qd3 Rc5 30. Rxc5 bxc5 31. Qd5 Re6 32. Rd3 1-0
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