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Dana Reizniece-Ozola, nació en 1981 en Kuldīga , y comenzó a participar en los torneos de ajedrez de Letonia desde pequeña. Cuando tenía 11 años ya participó en el Campeonato del Mundo Juvenil Femenino sub-12 en Duisburg (Alemania). A los 15 años, se coronó Campeona Femenina de Letonia por primera vez. En 1998 y 199 ganó el Campeonato de Europa Juvenil Femenino sub-18. Ocupó el puesto de subcampeona en dos Campeonatos Juveniles en la categoría de su edad. Desd el año 2001, Dana Reizniece-Ozola tiene el título de WGM (gran maestra femenina).
Estudió en la universidad y a continuación se hizo jefa de un centro de tecnologías austronáuticas. Empezó a ser activa también en la política. Se afilió al partido Unión de Verdes y Campesinos de Letonia y en 2010 llegó a ser delegada en el parlamento de Letonia. Entre los años 2010 y 2011 era secretaría del estado en el parlamento y ministro de Tráfico de Letonia. Entre los años 2014 y 2016, Dana Reizniece-Ozola era la ministra de Economía de su país y a partir del año 2016 ministra de Finanzas.
Dana Reizniece Ozola | Foto: Unión Europea
Dana Reizniece-Ozola ha participado en ocho olimpiadas de ajedrez como mejor jugadora letona. En la Olimpiada de Bakú venció de manera espectacular a Hou Yifan.
Tras las elecciones en 2019 Dana Reizniece-Ozola perdió su cargo como ministro de Finanzas, pero continuaba formando parte del parlamento lde Letonia.
Desde el año 2004 Dana Reizniece-Ozola ha jugado para el club alemán SG 1871 Löberitz y siempre ha sido fiel a su equipo, incluso cuando ocupaba los cargos de ministro.
Dana Reizniece-Ozola está casada con Andris Ozols,director de la Agencia letona para la Inversión y el Desarrollo (LIAA).y tiene cuatro hijos.
Y ahora es la nueva gerente de la Federación Internacional de Ajedrez.
Foto: SG Löberitz
Traducción al español: Nadja Wittmann (ChessBase)
Comunicado de prensa de la FIDE (en inglés)
The International Chess Federation is proud to announce the appointment of Dana Reizniece-Ozola as Managing Director. She will be in charge of a wide range of vitally important areas of FIDE work, including administrative and financial matters, as well as functioning of most of the commissions.
The main directions Ms. Reiznice-Ozola will oversee include chess in education - an area she sees as a top priority. She will also be in charge of development – a field in which Dana can contribute with her vast experience to the good work already done by the FIDE Planning and Development Commission (PDC). The third major line of work will be related to establishing relationships with other international institutions.
Apart from being a very strong player – Woman Grandmaster who has won multiple titles, Reizniece-Ozola is a renowned politician and a Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, an institution she first joined in 2010. She has held the positions of Minister of Economics (2014-2016) and Minister of Finance (2016-2019), but she has also worked as the Chairperson of the Commission on Education, Culture and Science, Member of the Legal Affairs Commission, Member of the European Affairs Commission and Secretary of Budgetary and Finance (Tax) Commission in the Parliament.
She has already made use of the experience gained in the political arena for the benefit of chess, having been a member of the board of the Latvian Chess Federation, as well as Vice-President for the European Chess Union.
“I will be happy to give my input in the further development of FIDE. The world would clearly acknowledge the international chess federation not only as a strong supporter to professional chess players and organizer of high-level chess competitions but also as a socially responsible organization that fosters chess in education and enhances social inclusion with this royal game”, states Dana.
“Dana is an over-achiever, whose work and interests have stretched across different fields during her career, and she made high profile contributions in many different areas. In 2017, she was named Finance Minister of the Year in Europe. But not so many people know that she was leading the project of developing the first Latvian Satellite, which was launched that year. That speaks volumes about her qualities as a project manager and team leader”, said the FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich. “But something I would like to point out is the fact that, despite the demands of her successful professional career, she has always managed to stay involved in chess, demonstrating true love for the game”.
As a player, Dana was a young talent who achieved outstanding results in youth competitions. She tied for first in the U14 World Junior Championship in 1995, got a silver medal in the U18 World Youth Championship in 1998, and won two consecutive European Youth Chess Championships in 1998 and 1999. She achieved the title of Woman Grandmaster in 2000 and is a four-time winner of the Latvian Women’s National Championship (1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001). She has represented her country at eight Chess Olympiads and five European Team Championships, defending the first board. In 2016, she made headlines all over the world when, while being the incumbent finance minister, she managed to defeat the reigning World Champion Hou Yifan at the Baku Chess Olympiad. Only a few days ago, she played a brilliant game that game her team the victory in the First Division of the 4NCL Online League.
Translation by Hugo B. Janz
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