Un movimiento misterioso con la torre

por ChessBase Shop - la tienda online de ChessBase
13/05/2024 – Los nuevos módulos de ajedrez no sólo están produciendo nuevas ideas en las aperturas, sino que igualmente están resucitando cada vez más sistemas de apertura antiguos. Un ejemplo es el Sistema Rubinstein (4.e3) contra la Defensa Nimzoindia. ¡Qué importa una estructura rota si a cambio obtienes opciones dinámicas! En CBM #219 el MI Balázs Csonka analiza la llamada Variante Peralta 1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cc3 Ab4 4.e3 0-0 5.Ad3 c5 6.a3 Axc3+ 7.bxc3 Cc6 8.Tb1!? - ¡Nuestra muestra de lectura CBM gratuita de la semana para su navegador web! Ahora disponible también en el nuevo formato de los libros electrónicos, ChessBase Books.

ChessBase Magazine 219 ChessBase Magazine 219

Prague Chess Festival 2024 with analyses by Abdusattorov, Navara, Pragg and many more. Opening videos by Felix Blohberger, Christian Bauer and Nico Zwirs. 11 repertoire articles from Reti to King's Indian and much more.


"A mysterious rook move" - free reading sample from ChessBase Magazine #219

With its 11 opening articles, ChessBase Magazine #219 offers new ideas for every repertoire! 

The starting position of Csonka's article arises after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3 c5 6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 Nc6 8.Rb1!? 

Csonka: "8.Rb1!? is White’s best scoring option on move 8, and it’s not a coincidence. Except for some older games of Peralta, almost all the other ones were played in 2022 and 2023, so the surprise effect is still there, and Black has to figure out many subtleties over the board, if caught unprepared. As for White players, I would strongly encourage to investigate the positions with a closed centre, as they are not without attacking resources."

Click on one of the following graphics to load the complete article with all analyses by Lars Schandorff as a reading sample in the ChessBase books format!

From the above diagram, Csonka investigates
Black's main directions: A) 8...b6 and B) 8...d6.

Tip: If you subscribe to the ChessBase magazine as a download, you already have full access to CBM #219 as a ChessBase book with your ChessBase account. Simply log in to ChessBase Books with your ChessBase account. If you have purchased CBM #219 on DVD, you can unlock the ChessBase Book yourself using the serial number from your booklet!

ChessBase Magazine 219

Prague Chess Festival 2024 with analyses by Abdusattorov, Navara, Pragg and many more. Opening videos by Felix Blohberger, Christian Bauer and Nico Zwirs. 11 repertoire articles from Reti to King's Indian and much more.


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