ChessBase 16 - Mega package Edition 2022
Ideas nuevas, análisis precisos, y entrenamiento a medida. ChessBase es la base de datos de ajedrez particular de referencia en todo el mundo. Aprenda, disfrute y mejore su juego. Cualquier ajedrecista con ambiciones, desde el Campeón del Mundo hasta los jugadores de club o los amigos ajedrecistas aficionados, trabajan con esta herramienta.
La versión rusa del musical "CHESS", escrito por Tim Rice y la música compuesta por Benny Andersson y Björn Ulvaeus, de ABBA ahora tiene una versiun rusa. El musical se fue estrenado en el Teatro MDM de Moscú el pasado día 17 de octubre de 2020.
Anatoly Karpov fue invitado al estreno | Foto: Moscow Broadway
Anatoly Karpov: “It is an amazing premiere, although I do feel uneasy at being cast at the main protagonist in such a renowned premiere. Translating Tim Rice’s libretto into Russian is a tall order, but Alexey Ivaschenko managed to do it. It is clear that Sergievsky’s character is a cumulative one, but several details of my chess life are noticeable. It’s a very difficult task to show chess in art form; from the outside, it seems that it is a very calm game, but on the inside great emotions and passions are at play. This performance is about that. I want to congratulate everybody who took part in this show!”
Otras estrellas de ajedrez que acudieron al estreno comentaron:
Alexandra Kosteniuk: “I’ve wanted to see this musical for a long time, and I am happy that I was able to do so in Moscow. This musical is a powerful performance. The stage sees the human tragedies, treachery, love and the pain of mistakes. And chess, oddly enough, does not play the dominant role in all this.”
Sergey Karjakin: “It was very interesting and dramatic. I felt immersed into the events at that time, attending matches between Spassky and Fischer, and between Karpov and Korchnoi. And they were not just matches for the world championship, they were contests between entire nations. The musical conveyed that brilliantly. And I would like to express thanks to the directors, since they have done a wonderful job popularising chess, which is extremely important!”
Fuente: RFederación Rusa de Ajedrez
El musical CHESS en Londres: One Night In Bangkok
Y la misma pieza tal y como la presentan en Moscú
"Pity the Child" de la producción original londinense
Y la "variante de Moscú" de Pity the Child
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