Mihail Marin: A Repertorie Against the Italian y Tactic Toolbox Italian

por ChessBase Shop - la tienda online de ChessBase
24/11/2022 – Como en algunos sistemas de la Española es difícil para las blancas, obtener una ventaja, la partida Italiana, conocida también como "giuoco piano" está ganando popularidad. En aquellos sistemas que se basan en un temprano d2-d3 (giuocco pianissimo), las blancas aspiran a ejercer una presión posicional a su oponente, la así llamada "tortura española", una expresión que se ha inventado Tartakower para describir la lucha estratégica en la partida Española. GM Mihail Marin ha grabado dos nuevos cursillos Firtz Trainer sobre la Italiana: "A Repertorie Against the Italian Game" y "Tactic Toolbox Italian Game". Ambos cursillos también se pueden adquirir por un precio especial de paquete. Más detalles...

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NUEVO: Mihail Marin: A Repertoire against the Italian Game

A Repertoire Against The Italian Game

Given White‘s difficulty in proving an advantage in a series of Ruy Lopez systems, the Italian game (also known as Giuoco Piano), has become increasingly popular. In the systems based on an early d2-d3 (Giuoco Pianissimo), White aims at submitting their opponent to the same kind of positional pressure as “The Spanish torture”, a term used by Tartakower for describing the strategic fight in the Ruy Lopez. The repertoire against the Giuoco Pianissimo examined on this video course, provides Black with methods of evading this slightly one-sided pattern, yielding sound play in double-edged positions. The main motif is …g5, but if White makes commitments to prepare against it, Black can switch to comfortable versions of the positional struggle. The second group of systems examined, is characterised by White’s opening of the centre at an early stage with d4. Black doesn’t have anything to fear in these lines and should welcome White’s choice, since it also yields Black chances for counterplay. This video course also contains a database with all the games relevant to the repertoire, plus a selection of positions for practicing.

• Largometraje: 5 horas y 30 minutos (en inglés)

Incluye la versión descargable y de streaming, para iPad, tableta etc. Puede ser activado con el número de serie incluido en el producto.  

Mihail Marin: A Repertoire against the Italian Game


NUEVO: Mihail Marin: Tactic Toolbox Italian Game

Tactic Toolbox Italian Game

The highly popular Italian game (traditionally known as Giuoco Piano, meaning the quiet game in Italian) is mainly a positional opening. This is even more obvious in the systems with d2-d3 (Giuoco Pianissimo, the quietest game), in which White refrains from an early fight for the centre. With all the pieces and pawns on board, there are many latent tactical possibilities for both sides. This video course is intended as a tactical guide for Black, featuring themes such as the tactical abilities of the c5-bishop and the relatively restricted c6-knight, the kingside attack and the fight for the centre. Since the structure is almost symmetrical, the author has also examined a few examples with mirrored ideas, such as the tactical abilities of White‘s light-squared bishop. In doing so, his aim is to widen the viewers‘ understanding of certain ideas, but also to warn them about the potential tactical dangers. The author hopes that the spirit of the examples on this video course sweep away the common fear that chess will be extinguished by draws.

• Largometraje: 5 horas y 18 minutos (en inglés)


Mihail Marin: Tactic Toolbox Italian Game

Oferta paquete Marin: 

Oferta paquete Marin

Oferta paquete Italian + Tactic Toolbox Italian

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