World Team Ch and Chess Festival Prague with analyses by Vitiugov, Wojtaszek, Vidit, Duda, Adams, Jones, McShane and any more. Lots of videos by Vidit, King, Williams, Marin, Pelletier etc. Plus eleven opening articles, e.g. Italian Game with 6...d5!?
ChessBase Magazine ¡Suscripción anual y bono de regalo 40€!
La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.
ChessBase Magazine #189 en la tienda online de ChessBase
Look forward to five extra videos! Mihail Marin shows a game by the new European champion Vladislav Artemiev. Yannick Pelletier presents his Najdorf selection from the Gibraltar Open. And Robert Ris gives us the slogan: “Everything depends on concrete things!”
Opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire
Symmetrical English, Queen’s Indian, Anti-Reti, Classical Sicilian, Italian Game, Semi-Tarrasch, Tarrasch Defence etc. Simply load the article of your choice with a single mouse click from the start menu of ChessBase Magazine #189!
Opening videos
"The Nakamura Setup", "The Le Quang Variation" and "The Torre Surprise" – all await you in the opening videos section of the DVD, with a video running time of more than one hour. In his video Daniel King initiates you into the subtleties of "The Nakamura Setup" in the Scandinavian with 3...Qd8. Black first fianchettoes one bishop with 5...g6 and later also helps the other gain an active role with ...b6 and ...Bb7.
Top tournaments with top class analyses
Nikita Vitiugov, Radek Wojtaszek, Vidit Gujrathi, Jan-Krzysztof Duda,, Michael Adams, Gawain Jones, Wang Hao, Adhiban, Yu Yangyi, Anna Muzychuk and more comment on their best games from World Team Championship and from the Prague Chess Festival! In addition, Vidit Gujrathi presents his game with Boris Gelfand in video!
“Move by Move” with Simon Williams
For this issue Simon Williams has selected a game of the 16-year old Iranian grandmaster Alireza Firouzja. This time it's about bringing your own understanding of chess to bear on the search for the moves. “Simple and solid and sensible play!”
Opening traps
In Rainer Knaak’s article nine traps from recent tournament practice are put under the microscope (including. three FritzTrainer videos).
Tactics: “The art of unpinning”
Oliver Reeh’s article consists of 26 games with numerous training questions and an introductory text with links to all the games. In addition, there are three videos in interactive format.
Endgames: “Recent endings”
Karsten Müller’s endgame article is once more wide-ranging. His collection of recent endgames contains an introductory text including a video. In addition our endgame expert has recorded four videos (two of which are in interactive format) and answers some letters from readers.
Strategy: “Bishop vs. Knight in the Nimzo-Indian”
The most important aspect of the strategic struggle in the Nimzo-Indian is the battle between White’s dark-squared bishop and one of the black knights. Marin initiates you into the subtleties.
19,95 €
16,76 € Sin IVA/VAT (para clientes fuera de la Unión Europea)
18,10 $ (sin IVA/VAT)
¡Entretenido e instructivo!
Además de sus columnas y vídeos en ChessBase Magazine, Karsten Müller tiene toda una serie de DVD de entrenamiento, que están entre los más apreciados del catálogo ChessBase.
ChessBase Magazine ¡Suscripción anual con EXTRA y bono de regalo 40 EUR!*
La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.