
por Oliver Reeh
21/05/2021 – Tras el retiro del alfil blanco desde f4 a h2, las negras no necesitaban otra invitación para lanzar su ataque. ¿Qué habrá jugado Alis Nur-Mukhametova? Problema de táctica por MI Oliver Reeh.

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La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.



Oliver Reeh in ChessBase Magazine

Los puntos culminantes del ChessBase Magazine #201

Expert videos

Jan Werle, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Mihail Marin explain stunning new opening ideas in just 30 minutes

Special: Vassily Ivanchuk - “just a genius!”
22 games of the Ukrainian star, annotated by CBM authors

All in One: Grand Prix Attack á la Grischuk  + The Dubov System
Davorin Kuljasevic and Vladimir Fedoseev dissect two topical opening lines

Giri-Nepomniachtchi 1-0!
The winner of the Magnus Carlsen Invitational analyses his Sicilian triumph from the final

Linares 1991 – Strategy
Mihail Marin focusses on games of the main heroes: Ivanchuk, Kasparov, Beliavsky, Jussupow and Salov

Serve and volley: the Belgrade Gambit
Christian Braun hits with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nd5

Carlsen’s Kamikaze king
Peter Heine Nielsen examines the Carlsen's Dragadorf victory vs. Dominguez Perez from the Opera Euro Rapid

No gap in the Stonewall
Dutch vs. the Reti/English – Victor Moskalenko shows how to deal with White’s setups without d2-d4

Magnus Carlsen Invitational and Opera Euro Rapid
Games analyses by Aniish Giri, Wesley So, Jan Krzysztof Duda, Peter Heine Nielsen et al.

A sacrificial attack to remember!
Robert Ris dissects the spectacular game So-Aronian “Move by Move”

The pawn as universal weapon!
Tactics with Oliver Reeh featuring 30 games with exercises + 4 interactive videos

Save the best for last
50 high-class endgames from the Champions Chess Tour 2021 analysed by Karsten Müller

Special: My favourite Ivanchuk game

Special: My favourite Ivanchuk game

CBM authors analyse their favourite game by Vassily Ivanchuk from 1987 until 2019. An exclusive collection of 22 annotated games with numerous brilliant moments!

Opening videos

Opening videos


Our authors have twice picked up on new opening ideas from the world champion:: Rustam Kasimdzhanovv checks out the dynamic 11...Ne7 in the Sveshnikov Variation. Andd Jan Werlee is enthused by Carlsen’s 9...Qc8 in the Nimzo-Indian with 4.f3.. Mihail Marinn links the Mikenas System games of Kasparov and Korchnoi to the game Ding Liren-Radjabov from the World Cup 2019.

Carlsen Invitational

Top tournaments

Opera Euro Rapid 2021: As on the second stop of the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour 2021, Wesley So was successful in the final against Magnus Carlsen. Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Anish Giri, Peter Heine Nielsen and Romain Edouard provide detailed analyses.

Magnus Carlsen Invitational 2021: The world champion could not prevail again and was eliminated in the semifinals against Ian Nepomniachtchi.

Anish Giri seized the opportunity. The Dutchman comments on no less than six of his games. Further analyses by Wesley So.

ChessBase Magazine 201

Expert videos: Jan Werle, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Mihail Marin explain new opening ideas in 30 minutes. Special: "Vassily Ivanchuk - just a genius!". Analyses by Anish Giri, Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Wesley So and others. 11 exciting opening articles and much m


"All in One"

All in One

GMs Davorin Kuljasevic and Vladimir Fedoseev dissect two topical opening lines. On the program there is the Grand Prix Attack à la Grischuk: 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Bc4 Nc6 6.0-0 e6 7.d4!? and the “Paravyan-Dubov-System”: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 d6 4.c3 f5.

New repertoire ideas

New repertoire ideas

11 opening articles with recommendations for your repertoire are waiting for you:


  • Moskalenko: Stonewall without d2-d4
  • Edouard: Old Benoni 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 b5 4.e4!?
  • Kuzmin: Sicilian Rossolimo Variation with 3...e5
  • Ris: Sicilian Four Knights with 9...Rb8
  • Santiago: French 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Sd2 Sc6
  • Braun: Scotch Belgrade Gambit 5.Nd5
  • Schandorff: Italian with 8...a5
  • Papp: Ruy Lopez Zaitsev-Variation with 12.a3/14.b4
  • Szabo: Semi-Slav with 7.Bd3 and 8.Nge2
  • Grigoriants: Tarrasch Defence 5...cxd4
  • Postny: Nimzo-Indian 4.f3 d5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5

Topical opening traps

Topical opening traps

Trap expert Rainer Knaak presens nine recently seen traps, three of them in FritzTrainer video format. 

"Move by Move"

Move by Move

In his first article in the interactive training series IM Robert Ris invites you to play interactively through “the most spectacular game of the Magnus Carlsen Invitational 2021“ (Wesley So – Levon Aronian).

Linares 1991 – Strategy

Mihail Marin puts under the microscope games by the five most successful players in this classic tournament: Ivanchuk, Kasparov, Beliavsky, Jussupow and Salov. Inlcuding an introductory video (running time: 40 imnutes).

"The Classic"

The Classic

A game between De Labourdonnais and McDonnell (London 1834) with a fulminating attack on the kingside is up for discussion. “What is most interesting is perhaps that the whole attack was objectively correct”, is Dorian Rogozenco’s conclusion.

Tactics “The all-purpose pawn”

The purpose pawn

Oliver Reeh's tactics article contains 30 games with a plentiful supply of training questions. Don't miss to play through his favourite four combinations in the interactive video clips!

Save the best for last

Karsten Müller’s contributions once more cover various areas from the “supertournament” in Linares in 1991 to the highlights from Magnus Carlsen Infivatitional 2021 and the Opera Euro Rapid 2021. 50 high-class endgame analyses and training tasks.

DVD-ROM + revista en papel

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La actualidad en formato digital. Lo más importante de la actualidad ajedrecistica de los últimos meses en su ordenador. Teoría y práctica.


ChessBase Magazine 201

Expert videos: Jan Werle, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Mihail Marin explain new opening ideas in 30 minutes. Special: "Vassily Ivanchuk - just a genius!". Analyses by Anish Giri, Jan-Krzysztof Duda, Wesley So and others. 11 exciting opening articles and much m


Es autor de la columna de problemas de táctica en ChessBase Magazine desde hace muchos años. Aparte de problemas de táctica normales, también suele grabar vídeos en formato interactivo. De esta manera, el lector tiene la posibilidad de probar las posibles soluciones y variantes directamente sobre el tablero y recibe una reacción en forma de comentario en vídeo a continuación.