El ex retador al campeón del mundo, Boris Gelfand, se vio las caras con Sergei Movsesian en la ronda 9 del torneo Grand Swiss, en Riga. En lugar de jugar las líneas principales en uan Defensa Eslava, Gelfand optó por el agresivo Gambito Geller. En el movimeinto 11 aparecieron no dos, ni tres, sino cuatro damas sobre el tablero. ¡Menuda batalla, aquella!
¿Cómo terminan la partida las piezas blancas?
El programa de esta semana
Para ver las emisiones anteriores en la Videoteca de ChessBase

Fast and Furious

Calculation Training in Attack & Defence Vol.1 & Vol.2
The two DVDs offer you the chance to solve 66 exercises with multiple questions. These exercises are presented in the interactive format, which makes them accessible for players of different strengths as we will go through the thought process step by step

A surprise weapon against the d6-Sicilian
In this 60-Minutes Markus Ragger presents a repertoire which has been tested at top level that takes your opponents into more unfamiliar territory. The basic system is introduced with the rather unusual capture on d4 with the queen.