Tata Steel R9: Carlsen vence a Van Wely

por Nadja Wittmann
24/01/2017 – Las demás partidas concluyeron en tablas. Andreikin y Eljanov se esforzaron mucho tiempo por llevarse el gato al agua, pero con resultado infructuoso. La partida más larga fue el duelo entre Yi Wei y Adhiban, que tampoco se decantó. Lidera Wesley So con 6/9 puntos. La ronda de mañana del Masters se disputará en Haarlem y comenzará a las 14:00. En el Challengers, Smirin venció a Van Foreest y se suma al mando de Ragger. L'Ami venció a Guramishvili, Xiong a Jones, Hansen a Dobrov. Karpov dará lustre a la última ronda y la clausura. Crónica...

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Ronda 9

Tata Steel Masters

Martes, 24 de enero
So, W. - Aronian, L. ½-½
Wojtaszek, R. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Andreikin, D. - Eljanov, P. ½-½
Wei, Y. - Adhiban, B. ½-½
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Harikrishna, P. ½-½
Carlsen, M. - Van Wely, L. 1-0
Giri, A. - Rapport, R. ½-½

Vídeo de la novena ronda

Pavel Votruba hablando con Loek van Wely previamente a la llegada de Magnus Carlsen

Ahí está Magnus también

Magnus Carlsen (Foto: Alina l'Ami) en la ronda antrior


Levon Aronian y Wesley So

Levon Aronian (Foto: Alina l'Ami)

Fue una partida loca desde el séptimo movimiento hasta el final

[Event "79th Tata Steel Chess 2017-Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2017.01.24"] [Round "9"] [White "Nepomniachtchi, Ian"] [Black "Harikrishna, Pentala"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A17"] [WhiteElo "2767"] [BlackElo "2766"] [Annotator "Alejandro Ramirez"] [PlyCount "157"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e3 e6 6. Nxd5 exd5 7. b4 $5 c4 8. Bb2 Bxb4 9. Bxg7 {Can't say you see this very often!} Rg8 10. Be5 Nc6 11. Bg3 Bf5 12. Be2 Be7 13. O-O h5 14. d3 h4 15. Bf4 d4 16. exd4 Nxd4 17. dxc4 Nxe2+ 18. Qxe2 Bd3 19. Qe5 Bxf1 20. Rxf1 Rc8 21. Re1 Rc6 22. Nd4 Rcg6 23. g3 hxg3 24. hxg3 Kf8 25. Rd1 Qd7 26. Rd2 Rf6 27. Qh5 (27. Nf5 $3 Rxf5 (27... Qe8 28. Re2 { and the pin is fatal, though Bh6+ was also good enough.}) (27... Qxf5 28. Bh6+ Rxh6 (28... Ke8 29. Qb8+ {is mate}) 29. Qxf5 $18) 28. Bh6+ Ke8 29. Qb8+ { picks up the queen and the game} Qd8 30. Rxd8+ Bxd8 31. Qxb7 $18) 27... a6 28. Bg5 Rd6 29. Bh6+ Ke8 30. Qe5 b6 31. a4 Qb7 32. Bf4 Rd7 33. Nf5 Rxd2 34. Bxd2 Rg6 35. Bb4 Re6 36. Ng7+ Kd7 37. Qd4+ Rd6 38. Bxd6 Bxd6 39. Nf5 $6 (39. Qf6 $1 {and Black can't defend the f7 pawn, this should be good enough to win.}) 39... Qc6 40. Qf6 Bc5 $1 41. Qxf7+ Kc8 42. Qg8+ Kb7 43. Qg7+ Kc8 44. Qh8+ Kb7 45. Qh7+ Kb8 46. g4 Qxa4 47. Qh2+ Kb7 48. Qf4 a5 $1 {Black's a-pawn is just a bouot enough counterplay to hold the balance. The endgame is still incredibly complicated, but with correct play Black is fine.} 49. g5 Qc6 50. Nd4 Qg6 51. Nb5 Qg7 52. Kg2 a4 53. Qf3+ Kb8 54. Qg3+ Kc8 55. g6 a3 56. Nd6+ Kd7 57. Nf5 Qg8 58. g7 a2 59. Qg4 a1=Q 60. Nh6+ Qe6 61. Qxe6+ Kxe6 62. g8=Q+ Kd7 63. Qf7+ Kc6 64. Ng4 Qd4 65. Qf5 Bd6 66. Ne3 Qg7+ 67. Kf1 Bc5 68. Qc8+ Qc7 69. Qe6+ Kb7 70. Qe4+ Qc6 71. Nd5 b5 72. Qh7+ Ka6 73. Qe4 Ka7 74. Qh7+ Ka6 75. Nc7+ Ka5 76. Nxb5 Qf3 77. Qc2 Kb4 78. Qd2+ Kxc4 79. Qe2+ 1/2-1/2

Zurab Azmaiparashvili se incorporó a la cabina de comentaristas con Yasser Seirawan. Fue el encargado de inaugurar la ronda de hoy con el gong. Hablaron de la Olimpiada de Ajedrez que se disputará en Georgia y los dos grandes maestros también analizaron las partidas de la novena ronda juntos.

Eljanov (izquierda, con negras) y Andreikin (derecha)

La partida Andreikin vs. Eljanov concluyó en tablas

[Event "79th Tata Steel Chess 2017-Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2017.01.24"] [Round "9"] [White "Andreikin, Dmitry"] [Black "Eljanov, Pavel"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A45"] [WhiteElo "2736"] [BlackElo "2755"] [Annotator "Sadorra, Julio"] [PlyCount "107"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 {This shouldn't be a surprise from Andreikin as he's known to play London and Torre Attack structures both in short and long time-control games.} e6 3. Nd2 ({The other popular move here is} 3. e4 {leading to imbalanced middlegames after} h6 ({or} 3... c5 $5 4. e5 h6) 4. Bxf6 Qxf6 5. c3 d6 $11 {where both sides have advantages and disadvantages.}) 3... h6 4. Bh4 d5 5. e3 c5 6. c3 {We're now officially in the land of Torre Attack :-)} Nc6 7. Bd3 {Andeikin's handling of the Torre System, delaying his king's knight development, is intriguing as he leaves himself the option of switching to a favorable Stonewall game after the move f2-f4 (his dark-squared bishop is outside of the pawn chain instead of being passive on c1)!} Qb6 {Controlling the important b5-square with tempo.} 8. Rb1 {and now Eljanov doesn't allow Andrekin to achieve his desired Stonewall set-up with} e5 $1 9. Ne2 $5 { Placing the knight on e2 is another option availed by Andreikin's move-order.} ({Black has no problems after} 9. dxe5 Nxe5 {Do you see now why it's important to control b5? :-)} 10. Bc2 (10. Be2 $2 Bf5 $17) 10... Be7 {safe and solid.} ( 10... Qa6 $6 {A nice idea but a little too ambitious because White can take over the initiative with accurate play after} 11. Ndf3 $1 (11. Ngf3 Nd3+ 12. Bxd3 Qxd3 {with the bishop pair advantage.}) (11. Ba4+ $2 {only helps Black's cause} Bd7 12. Bxd7+ Nfxd7 $17) 11... Nxf3+ 12. Nxf3 Be7 $5 {sac-ing a pawn may be the best practical choice} (12... Be6 13. Bxf6 gxf6 14. Bd3 Qb6 15. O-O O-O-O 16. b4 $1 $40) 13. Bxf6 Bxf6 14. Qxd5 Be6 15. Qe4 $1 (15. Qxc5 $6 Rc8 16. Qb4 Rc4 {White's queen is in trouble giving Black at least enough compensation for the pawns!}) 15... Qxa2 16. O-O (16. Qxb7 O-O $13) 16... Qd5 17. Ra1 $1 $36 {It is clear that White has good pressure, but Black still has chances for a successful defense.}) 11. Ngf3 Nxf3+ 12. Nxf3 Be6 $11) 9... cxd4 10. exd4 e4 11. Bc2 g5 12. Bg3 Bg7 13. O-O O-O {the opening was a success for Black as not only did he manage to equalize but also achieved better chances in the ensuing middlegame struggle due to the simple plan of pushing down his pawns on the kingside.} 14. b4 {starting counterplay on the queenside with ideas of kicking back the c6-knight, but it's also positionally risky as it weakens many squares.} Nh5 15. Bd6 Rd8 16. Bc5 Qc7 17. f3 e3 18. b5 ({Black is also better after} 18. Nb3 b6 19. b5 Ne5 $1 {a nice small tactic} 20. Bb4 (20. Ba3 Nc4) 20... Nc4 {transposes to the line above} 21. Qd3 f5 $17 {Black has great space advantage well-controlled by stable pieces.}) 18... b6 ({I think the simple move} 18... Na5 {also works, but Eljanov was probably concerned about White complicating things with} 19. b6 $5 (19. Nb3 b6 20. Bb4 Nc4 {transposes to the line above}) 19... Qc6 20. Nb3 {and now Black has to be careful} (20. Ba4 Qe6 21. Nb3 Nc4 $17) 20... Nc4 $1 (20... axb6 $2 21. Nxa5 bxa5 22. Rb6 Qc7 23. Qd3 {and White is suddenly better!}) 21. bxa7 Nf4 {and Black is still in control of the advantage.}) 19. bxc6 bxc5 20. Nb3 c4 21. Nc5 Nf4 22. Re1 Bf8 $1 { planning to remove White's most active piece while avoiding any counterplay.} ( {Taking the pawn right away, gives White chances to equalize after} 22... Qxc6 23. Qc1 $1 Qe8 (23... Re8 $4 24. Ba4 $18) 24. Ng3 {and the e-pawn is falling.}) 23. Ba4 ({Now the previous idea doesn't work due to} 23. Qc1 Re8 $17 {and things are under control.} 24. Ba4 $2 Nd3 $1 $19) 23... Bxc5 24. dxc5 $5 { White is faced with a tough choice in a worse situation, in which Andreikin makes a decision on practical grounds-- to be an exchange down with chances of counterplay in an oddly complex position rather than be a pawn down in a simpler position.} (24. Nxf4 gxf4 25. dxc5 Qa5 {this is the simple position that Andreikin rejected playing which anyone will most likely lose against a player of Eljanov's sytle and calibre.}) 24... Nd3 25. Nd4 Nxe1 26. Qxe1 Re8 27. h4 $5 {White will not go down without a fight! Instead of waiting for his doom, Andreikin makes sure that the Black king will also be exposed, even slightly, when his king gets attacked in the future!} Re7 28. hxg5 hxg5 29. Rb7 {a logical follow-up to his White's idea} Bxb7 30. cxb7 Rb8 {A good practical choice. Eljanov only had 16 min left to make time-control and chooses to avoid hazy positions that requires too much calculations.} ({Here's a few sample lines of how tricky and hairy things can get:} 30... Qxb7 31. Bc6 Qb8 32. Bxd5 $1 {and Black will have more problems ahead of him to solve.} (32. Bxa8 $5 { is also not that easy for Black to face otb with little time on the clock} Qxa8 33. Qg3 {and here Black has to reject the temptation to push the passed pawn to win:} f6 (33... e2 $2 34. Qxg5+ Kf8 35. Qh6+ Ke8 36. Nxe2 $1 $13 (36. Qh8+ { I know you were hoping for this!} Kd7 37. Qxa8 e1=Q+ 38. Kh2 Qh4+ 39. Kg1 Re1#) ) 34. Nf5 Re5 $1 $19 (34... Re6 $2 35. Qc7)) 32... e2 $2 33. Nc6 $16) 31. c6 Rbe8 32. Ne2 f6 ({Another good attacking move and probably better is} 32... Kg7 $1 33. Qd1 Rh8 34. Qd4+ (34. Qxd5 Qh2+ 35. Kf1 Qh1+ 36. Ng1 e2+ 37. Kf2 e1=Q#) 34... f6 35. g3 {and there are many ways to win from here e.g.} Qe5 $19) 33. Qd1 $1 {With 7 minutes left on his clock, Andreikin finds the most problematic moves. Eljanov either missed or underestimated this as it took him longer to play his next move compared to the previous ones.} Rh7 $1 {the right direction to the "puzzle solution"} 34. Qxd5+ Kg7 35. g3 {[#] With 4 minutes on the clock, which will you choose a) Rd8 then Rdh8, or b) immediate Rdh8?****************} Rd8 {After using most of his remaining time, Eljanov chose the more logical move--to force the White queen to lose control of h1 before doubling rooks. As we will see in the game, Black unfortunately has no concrete way to gain the advantage in this direction.} ({The correct solution is:} 35... Reh8 $1 36. f4 Qf7 $3 {an important move to foresee in one's analysis} 37. Qxf7+ Kxf7 38. Kg2 (38. g4 Ke6 $19 {and the passed pawns are stopped.}) 38... g4 $19 {with mate coming next. What a position! If Eljanov had more time, I have a good feeling Eljanov would have been able to figure it out.}) 36. Qe6 Rdh8 37. f4 Rh1+ 38. Kg2 R1h2+ (38... R8h2+ {is risky as one of the rooks could end up being misplaced and come late to stop the White passes pawns later.} 39. Kf3 Rf1+ 40. Kg4 {could lead to a force draw} (40. Ke4 $2 Rxe2 41. Qd7+ Qxd7 42. cxd7 Rd2 $3 43. b8=Q e2 $19) 40... Rh4+ (40... Rxe2 { Now this doesn't work anymore} 41. Qd7+ Qxd7+ 42. cxd7 Rd2 43. b8=Q e2 44. d8=Q Rxd8 45. Qc7+ $1 Kh6 46. Qxd8 e1=Q 47. Qf8+ Kg6 48. Bc2+ $18) 41. gxh4 Rxf4+ 42. Nxf4 (42. Kh3 Rxh4+ 43. Kg2 Qh2+ 44. Kf3 Qf2#) 42... Qxf4+ 43. Kh3 Qf3+ 44. Kh2 Qf2+ $11) 39. Kf3 {The beginning of another episode of the king marching towards the center! (We saw it earlier in Rapport-Wei Yi)} Rf2+ 40. Kxe3 Rhh2 { Fortunately for Andreikin, his critical moment arose after he makes the time-control! Seeing that Eljanov has lost control of the situation, Andreikin now uses all of his resources to keep himself out of trouble from here on.} 41. Bd1 $1 {best defense.} ({All other moves lose:} 41. Nd4 gxf4+ 42. Ke4 Re2+ 43. Kd5 Qa5+ 44. Kd6 Rxe6+ 45. Nxe6+ Kf7 46. b8=Q Qe5+ $19) (41. Qd7+ Qxd7 42. cxd7 Rxe2+ 43. Kf3 g4+ 44. Kxg4 Rh8 $19) 41... gxf4+ 42. Nxf4 Qb6+ {After a few commercial breaks, we now resume the king's marching show!} 43. Ke4 Qb1+ $11 { but they play on!} 44. Kd5 $1 {In this unclear complex stage, both players still display great fighting spirits!} ({The game could end in a draw now with } 44. Ke3 Qb6+ 45. Ke4 Qb1+ $11 {but they play on!}) 44... Qxd1+ 45. Kc5 Rxf4 46. Qe7+ {After trying and finding no way to play for more, Eljanov finally settles for a perpetual.} ({Another way for the game to continue was} 46. gxf4 Qg1+ (46... Rh5+ $2 {This only misplaces the rook and loses coordination with the queen.} 47. f5 Qd8 (47... Rh8 48. Qe7+ Kh6 49. Qxf6+ Kh7 50. Qxh8+ $18) 48. Qd7+ Qxd7 49. cxd7 Rh8 50. Kd6 Kf7 51. Kc7 $18) 47. Kxc4 (47. Kd6 $2 Rd2+ 48. Ke7 Qc5+ 49. Ke8 Qf8#) 47... Qf1+ 48. Kc5 {will most likely end in a perpetual too.}) (46. b8=Q $4 Rh5+ $19 {and White is forced to give up both queens!}) 46... Kg6 47. Qe8+ Kg7 {Andreikin, likewise, cannot find a way to escape checks that's favorable for him. Thus, the game logically ends in a peace treaty.} (47... Kf5 48. b8=Q $18 {now Black doesn't have a check along the 5th rank!}) 48. Qe7+ Kh6 49. Qf8+ Kh7 50. Qf7+ Kh6 51. Qf8+ Kh7 52. Qf7+ Kh6 53. Qf8+ Kh7 54. Qf7+ {This is a game with rich opening ideas, a tense middlegame struggle in which White fights to keep control of his advantage against Black's desperate attempts to create counterplay and break from the shackles of passivity, and a nerves-testing time trouble situation that gave Eljanov problems and allowed Andreikin to come back. Subsequently after time-control, Andreikin even showed ambition to win with his queening pawns by bravely walking his majesty to the middle of the board! In the end, Eljanov minimizes the damage and successfully stops Andreikin's ambitions by creating mating threats, forcing Andreikin to engage in an inescapable repetition of checks. A truly epic battle! 1/2-1/2 (54) Andreikin,D (2736)-Eljanov,P (2755) 79th Tata Steel Chess-Masters 2017 [Sadorra, Julio]} 1/2-1/2

Julio Sandorra

Karpov visitará el torneo Tata Steel Chess el último día (domingo, 29 de enero)

El otrora campeón del mundo Antaloly Karpov se acercará a Wijk aan Zee para presenciar la última ronda del torneo Tata Steel Chess. Inaugurará la jornada y también acudirá a la ceremonia de clausura por la tarde. Karpov ganó el torneo de ajedrez en Wijk aan Zee en 1988 y en 1993.

Todas las partidas del Masters para reproducir y descargar

Clasificación del Masters tras 9 rondas

# Jugador Puntos Elo TPR
1 So, W. 6.0 / 9 2808 2875
2 Carlsen, M. 5.5 / 9 2840 2826
3 Eljanov, P. 5.5 / 9 2755 2822
4 Wei, Y. 5.5 / 9 2704 2826
5 Aronian, L. 5.0 / 9 2780 2804
6 Adhiban, B. 5.0 / 9 2653 2796
7 Karjakin, S. 5.0 / 9 2785 2785
8 Harikrishna, P. 4.5 / 9 2766 2749
9 Giri, A. 4.5 / 9 2773 2764
10 Andreikin, D. 4.0 / 9 2736 2696
11 Wojtaszek, R. 4.0 / 9 2750 2705
12 Rapport, R. 3.5 / 9 2702 2689
13 Nepomniachtchi, I. 3.5 / 9 2767 2670
14 Van Wely, L. 1.5 / 9 2695 2482

Programa, emparejamientos y resultados

Ronda 1 - Sábado, 14 de enero
Harikrishna, P. - Aronian, L. ½-½
Adhiban, B. - Van Wely, L. ½-½
Eljanov, P. - Rapport, R. 1-0
Karjakin, S. - Giri, A. ½-½
So, W. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Wojtaszek - Nepomniachtchi ½-½
Andreikin, D. - Wei, Y. ½-½
Ronda 2 - Domingo, 15 de enero
Aronian, L. - Wei, Y. ½-½
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Andreikin, D. ½-½
Carlsen, M. - Wojtaszek, R. 1-0
Giri, A. - So, W. ½-½
Rapport, R. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Van Wely, L. - Eljanov, P. 0-1
Harikrishna, P. - Adhiban, B. 1-0
Ronda 3 - Lunes, 16 de enero
Adhiban, B. - Aronian, L. ½-½
Eljanov, P. - Harikrishna, P. ½-½
Karjakin, S. - Van Wely, L. 1-0
So, W. - Rapport, R. 1-0
Wojtaszek, R. - Giri, A. ½-½
Andreikin, D. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Wei, Y. - Nepomniachtchi, I. 1-0
Ronda 4 - Martes, 17 de enero
Aronian, L. - Nepomniachtchi, I. ½-½
Carlsen, M. - Wei, Y. 1-0
Giri, A. - Andreikin, D. ½-½
Rapport, R. - Wojtaszek, R.  ½-½
Van Wely, L. - So, W. 0-1
Harikrishna, P. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Adhiban, B. - Eljanov, P. 0-1
Ronda 5 - Jueves, 19 de enero
Eljanov, P. - Aronian, L. 0-1
Karjakin, S. - Adhiban, B. 0-1
So, W. - Harikrishna, P. 1-0
Wojtaszek, R. - Van Wely, L. 1-0
Andreikin, D. - Rapport, R. ½-½
Wei, Y. - Giri, A. ½-½
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Ronda 6 - Viernes, 20 de enero
Aronian, L. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Giri, A. - Nepomniachtchi, I. 1-0
Rapport, R. - Wei, Y. 0-1
Van Wely, L. - Andreikin, D. ½-½
Harikrishna, P. - Wojtaszek, R. ½-½
Adhiban, B. - So, W. ½-½
Eljanov, P. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Ronda 7 - Sábado, 21 de enero
Karjakin, S. - Aronian, L. 1-0
So, W. - Eljanov, P. ½-½
Wojtaszek, R. - Adhiban, B. 0-1
Andreikin, D. - Harikrishna, P. ½-½
Wei, Y. - Van Wely, L. 1-0
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Rapport, R. ½-½
Carlsen, M. - Giri, A. ½-½
Ronda 8 - Domingo, 22 de enero
Aronian, L. - Giri, A. 1-0
Rapport, R. - Carlsen, M. 1-0
Van Wely, L. - Nepomniachtchi, I. ½-½
Harikrishna, P. - Wei, Y. ½-½
Adhiban, B. - Andreikin, D. 1-0
Eljanov, P. - Wojtaszek, R. ½-½
Karjakin, S. - So, W. ½-½
Ronda 9 - Martes, 24 de enero
So, W. - Aronian, L. ½-½
Wojtaszek, R. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Andreikin, D. - Eljanov, P. ½-½
Wei, Y. - Adhiban, B. ½-½
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Harikrishna, P. ½-½
Carlsen, M. - Van Wely, L. 1-0
Giri, A. - Rapport, R. ½-½
Ronda 10 - Miércoles, 25 de enero
Aronian, L. - Rapport, R.  
Van Wely, L. - Giri, A.  
Harikrishna, P. - Carlsen, M.  
Adhiban, B. - Nepomniachtchi, I.  
Eljanov, P. - Wei, Y.  
Karjakin, S. - Andreikin, D.  
So, W. - Wojtaszek, R.  
Ronda 11 - Viernes, 27 de enero
Wojtaszek, R. - Aronian, L.  
Andreikin, D. - So, W.  
Wei, Y. - Karjakin, S.  
Nepomniachtchi, I. - Eljanov, P.  
Carlsen, M. - Adhiban, B.  
Giri, A. - Harikrishna, P.  
Rapport, R. - Van Wely, L.  
Ronda 12 - Sábado, 28 de enero
Aronian, L. - Van Wely, L.  
Harikrishna, P. - Rapport, R.  
Adhiban, B. - Giri, A.  
Eljanov, P. - Carlsen, M.  
Karjakin, S. - Nepomniachtchi, I.  
So, W. - Wei, Y.  
Wojtaszek, R. - Andreikin, D.  
Ronda 13 - Domingo, 29 de enero
Andreikin, D. - Aronian, L.  
Wei, Y. - Wojtaszek, R.  
Nepomniachtchi, I. - So, W.  
Carlsen, M. - Karjakin, S.  
Giri, A. - Eljanov, P.  
Rapport, R. - Adhiban, B.  
Van Wely, L. - Harikrishna, P.  

Tata Steel Challengers 2017

Martes, 24 de enero
Bok, B. - Grandelius, N. ½-½
Ragger, M. - Tari, A. ½-½
van Foreest, J. - Smirin, I. 0-1
l'Ami, E. - Guramishvili, S. 1-0
Xiong, J. - Jones, G. 1-0
Tingjie, L. - Lu, S. ½-½
Hansen, E. - Dobrov, V. 1-0

Markus Ragger

Benjamin Bok (Foto: Alina l'Ami)

Xiong vs. Jones

[Event "79th Tata Steel Chess 2017-Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2017.01.24"] [Round "9"] [White "Xiong, Jeffery"] [Black "Jones, Gawain C B"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A62"] [WhiteElo "2667"] [BlackElo "2665"] [Annotator "Ramirez Alvarez,Alejandro"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/1r6/8/P7/7R/5P1p/4PK1k/8 b - - 0 48"] [PlyCount "14"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] {[#]} 48... Rb1 49. Ra4 $4 (49. a6 Ra1 50. Rh6 {and just pushing the f-pawn wins.} Ra4 51. Rb6 Kh1 (51... Ra3 52. f4 Ra4 53. e3 Ra2+ 54. Kf3 $18) 52. Kg3) 49... Kh1 $4 (49... Rg1 $1 50. a6 Ra1 $1 {A nice stalemate trick.} 51. Rd4 Rxa6 52. f4 Rg6 {and in this line Black can extract his king from h2 and draw.}) ( 49... Ra1 50. Rd4 Rxa5 (50... Rg1 $1 51. a6 Rg2+ 52. Ke3 Rg6 53. Ra4 Kg3 54. a7 h2 55. a8=Q h1=Q {with a likely draw as White can't use his extra tempo.}) 51. f4 {also makes White's life more complicated, but should be winning.}) 50. a6 h2 51. a7 Rf1+ 52. Ke3 Kg2 53. Rg4+ Kh1 54. a8=Q Rxf3+ 55. Qxf3# 1-0


[Event "79th Tata Steel Chess 2017-Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2017.01.24"] [Round "9"] [White "Van Foreest, Jorden"] [Black "Smirin, Ilia"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B07"] [WhiteElo "2612"] [BlackElo "2667"] [Annotator "Ramirez Alvarez,Alejandro"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r4rk1/4p1b1/p1ppq1p1/5b1n/2pP4/P1N1BN2/1PP3Q1/2K3RR w - - 0 21"] [PlyCount "70"] [EventDate "2017.??.??"] {[#]} 21. Bd2 {It seems that White has excellent winning chances: He is down two pawns, but the threats on the kingside seem to be insurmountable. Smirin turns that on its head.} Be4 $1 22. Nxe4 Qxe4 23. Rxh5 Rxf3 24. Rg5 Raf8 $1 { It was mandatory to have found this move before embarking on Be4. It seems that Rxg6 is decisive, but Black has an ace up his sleeve.} 25. Rxg6 (25. Re1 { was better, but hindsight is 20/20.}) 25... Rf1+ $1 {The point.} 26. Rxf1 Rxf1+ 27. Qxf1 Qxg6 28. Qxc4+ d5 $1 {And this is the real key. Any other move and the position is about equal, but now White has to be careful of his back rank as well as of the pawn on d4. He cannot do both.} 29. Qf1 $6 (29. Qe2 Qg1+ 30. Be1 Bxd4 $15) 29... Bxd4 30. Bc3 Qg1 31. Qxg1+ Bxg1 {And black went on to win.} 32. Kd2 Kf7 33. Kd3 Ke6 34. Bb4 Kf6 35. a4 e5 36. Bf8 e4+ 37. Ke2 d4 38. Bd6 Be3 39. c3 Bc1 40. cxd4 Bxb2 41. Ke3 Ke6 42. Bc5 Kd5 43. Bb6 Bc1+ 44. Ke2 Kc4 45. a5 e3 46. Ba7 Bd2 47. Bb6 Kb5 48. d5 cxd5 49. Kd3 Bxa5 50. Bxe3 Bb6 51. Bc1 a5 52. Bb2 a4 53. Kc3 d4+ 54. Kd3 Kb4 55. Bc1 Kb3 {Kxd4} 0-1


Las partidas del Challengers para reproducir y descargar

Clasificación del Challengers tras 9 rondas

Programa, emparejamientos y resultados

Ronda 1 - Sábado, 14 de enero
Jones, G. - Grandelius, N. ½-½
Guramishvili, S. - Lu, S. ½-½
Smirin, I. - Dobrov, V. ½-½
Tari, A. - Hansen, E. ½-½
Bok, B. - Tingjie, L. 1-0
Ragger, M. - Xiong, J. 1-0
van Foreest, J. - l'Ami, E. 1-0
Ronda 2 - Domingo, 15 de enero
Grandelius, N. - l'Ami, E. ½-½
Xiong, J. - van Foreest, J. 1-0
Tingjie, L. - Ragger, M. 0-1
Hansen, E. - Bok, B. ½-½
Dobrov, V. - Tari, A. ½-½
Lu, S. - Smirin, I. 0-1
Jones, G. - Guramishvili, S. 1-0
Ronda 3 - Lunes, 16 de enero
Guramishvili, S. - Grandelius, N. 0-1
Smirin, I. - Jones, G. 1-0
Tari, A. - Lu, S. 0-1
Bok, B. - Dobrov, V. 0-1
Ragger, M. - Hansen, E. 1-0
van Foreest, J. - Tingjie, L. 0-1
l'Ami, E. - Xiong, J. ½-½
Ronda 4 - Martes, 17 de enero
Grandelius, N. - Xiong, J. 0-1
Tingjie, L. - l'Ami, E. 0-1
Hansen, E. - van Foreest, J. 1-0
Dobrov, V. - Ragger, M. 0-1
Lu, S. - Bok, B.  1-0
Jones, G. - Tari, A. 1-0
Guramishvili, S. - Smirin, I. 0-1
Ronda 5 - Jueves, 19 de enero
Smirin, I. - Grandelius, N. ½-½
Tari, A. - Guramishvili, S. 1-0
Bok, B. - Jones, G. 0-1
Ragger, M. - Lu, S. ½-½
van Foreest, J. - Dobrov, V. 1-0
l'Ami, E. - Hansen, E. ½-½
Xiong, J. - Tingjie, L. 1-0
Ronda 6 - Viernes, 20 de enero
Grandelius, N. - Tingjie, L. 1-0
Hansen, E. - Xiong, J. 1-0
Dobrov, V. - l'Ami, E. ½-½
Lu, S. - van Foreest, J. 1-0
Jones, G. - Ragger, M. 1-0
Guramishvili, S. - Bok, B. 0-1
Smirin, I. - Tari, A. 0-1
Ronda 7 - Sábado, 21 de enero
Tari, A. - Grandelius, N. ½-½
Bok, B. - Smirin, I. 0-1
Ragger, M. - Guramishvili, S. 1-0
van Foreest, J. - Jones, G. 0-1
l'Ami, E. - Lu, S. ½-½
Xiong, J. - Dobrov, V. 1-0
Tingjie, L. - Hansen, E. ½-½
Ronda 8 - Domingo, 22 de enero
Grandelius, N. - Hansen, E. ½-½
Dobrov, V. - Tingjie, L. 1-0
Lu, S. - Xiong, J. ½-½
Jones, G. - l'Ami, E. ½-½
Guramishvili, S. - van Foreest, J. ½-½
Smirin, I. - Ragger, M. ½-½
Tari, A. - Bok, B. ½-½
Ronda 9 - Martes, 24 de enero
Bok, B. - Grandelius, N. ½-½
Ragger, M. - Tari, A. ½-½
van Foreest, J. - Smirin, I. 0-1
l'Ami, E. - Guramishvili, S. 1-0
Xiong, J. - Jones, G. 1-0
Tingjie, L. - Lu, S. ½-½
Hansen, E. - Dobrov, V. 1-0
Ronda 10 - Miércoles, 25 de enero
Grandelius, N. - Dobrov, V.  
Lu, S. - Hansen, E.  
Jones, G. - Tingjie, L.  
Guramishvili, S. - Xiong, J.  
Smirin, I. - l'Ami, E.  
Tari, A. - van Foreest, J.  
Bok, B. - Ragger, M.  
Ronda 11 - Viernes, 27 de enero
Ragger, M. - Grandelius, N.  
van Foreest, J. - Bok, B.  
l'Ami, E. - Tari, A.  
Xiong, J. - Smirin, I.  
Tingjie, L. - Guramishvili, S.  
Hansen, E. - Jones, G.  
Dobrov, V. - Lu, S.  
Ronda 12 - Sábado, 28 de enero
Grandelius, N. - Lu, S.  
Jones, G. - Dobrov, V.  
Guramishvili, S. - Hansen, E.  
Smirin, I. - Tingjie, L.  
Tari, A. - Xiong, J.  
Bok, B. - l'Ami, E.  
Ragger, M. - van Foreest, J.  
Ronda 13 - Domingo, 29 de enero
van Foreest, J. - Grandelius, N.  
l'Ami, E. - Ragger, M.  
Xiong, J. - Bok, B.  
Tingjie, L. - Tari, A.  
Hansen, E. - Smirin, I.  
Dobrov, V. - Guramishvili, S.  
Lu, S. - Jones, G.  

El torneo Tata Steel Chess tiene dos torneos principales, el Masters (grupo A) y el Challengers (grupo B). El sistema de juego es por sistema de liga, todos contra todos. Ambos cuentan con 14 participantes. Las competiciones comenzarán el 14 de enero de 2017 a partir de las 13:30 CET (hora de Ámsterdam/Madrid/Berlín), excepto la última ronda, que comenzará a las 12:00 CET. Las rondas del "Chess on Tour" (los días que se compite fuera de Wijk aan Zee) comenzarán a las 14:00 CET.

Control de tiempo

100 minutos para 40 movimientos, seguido por 50 minutos para 20 movimientos y a continuación 15 minutos para el resto de la partida, más 30 segundos de incremento por movimiento a partir del primero. Los controles de tiempo en los grupos de aficionados son diferentes.

Las rondas fuera de Wijk aan Zee

En Róterdam en el estadio de fútbol "De Kuip"

"De Kuip", el estadio de fútbol del Feyenoord

El 19 de enero se disputará la ronda en el estadio de fútbol del Feyenoord de Róterdam, en el famoso "De Kuip" (traducido significa "La bañera").

En la Sociedad Filarmónica de Haarlem

El miércoles, 25 de enero, Anish Giri, Magnus Carlen y los demás participantes disputarán la décima ronda del Masters en la Sociedad Filarmónica de Haarlem.

Fecha Actvidad Comienzo de la ronda Comentarios en alemán Resumen de la ronda (en inglés) Comienzo de los resúmenes
14 enero Ronda 1 13:30 Georgios Souleidis/Dmitrij Kollars Yannick Pelletier 21:30
15 enero Ronda 2 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Daniel King 21:00
16 enero Ronda 3 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Yannick Pelletier 21:30
17 enero Ronda 4 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Daniel 21:00
18 enero Descanso 1        
19 enero Ronda 5 14:00 Klaus Bischoff Simon 21:00
20 enero Ronda 6 13:30 Oliver Reeh/Georgios Souleidis Daniel 21:00
21 enero Ronda 7 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Simon 21:00
22 enero Ronda 8 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Yannick Pelletier 21:30
23 enero Descanso 2        
24 enero Ronda 9 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Yannick Pelletier 21:30
25 enero Ronda 10 14:00 Klaus Bischoff Daniel 21:00
26 enero Descanso 3        
27 enero Ronda 11 13:30 Oliver Reeh/Karsten Müller Daniel 21:00
28 enero Ronda 12 13:30 Klaus Bischoff Yannick Pelletier 21:30
29 enero Ronda 13 12:00 Klaus Bischoff Daniel 21:00

Fotos e información: Alina l'Ami (fotógrafa oficial del Torneo Tata Steel Chess) y capturas del vídeo en directo del sitio web oficial


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